Favorite gaming podcasts


Now Officially a Top 10 Poster
As I'm sure I'm not the only one listening to gaming podcasts, i thought why not open a thread on discussing them, which ones you listen, which ones you rate highest/lowest, etc.

Right now I'm listening to EGM Live and it is by far the most boring podcasts I've ever heard. It's incredibly lame. Wow.

My favorite probably is the 1up Yours show, ironically, because there is overlap with EGM. But the 1up show has some great characters (John, Luke, Shane), very entertaining. I like it more than the 1up show vodcast.

Others that I've discovered are IGN GameScoop and GameSpot the HotSpot podcasts.

Somehow they're not nearly as good as the 1up Yours show though ...

Listening to all of these using my PSP by the way, subscribing to their RSS feeds through the websites in the PSP's browser, and from then on accessing them directly through the RSS manager (shame that it doesn't also handle text, video and audio only, but good enough). I usually save the podcasts locally rather than stream because then I can listen to them on the road, search forwards and backwards, etc.

I've also thought about setting up a podcast myself, since I happen to have the equipment for it, but I'm not sure if I can pull off being entertaining without interrupting myself. (Maybe I can play some tricks there ... )

Insomniac also just started their own podcast.

How about you? Linked gaming and podcasts yet?
Podcast I listen to currently:
Video Game Outsider
Planet X360
Major Nelson

Podcast I would like to listen to:

I used to listen to them at work on my iPod but since PED's have been banned in SCIF's I have to find the time to listen to my usual suspects now.
1UP Yours and Cheapass Gamer are great. Too bad, Gaming Steve is off air these days [months].

I heard that Insomniac devs have started ther own podcast...
Absolutely, 1Up Yours is "full of awesome." Just great personalities. "What, you don't want to be a ****ing wildabeast, Garnett?" That whole thing is the reason I listen to every episode now, or whatever the correct term would be. EGM Live is really boring. Needs Shane versus Shoe, heh. Also, whoever was doing the nerd voice on the last 1Up Yours was starting to get on my nerves by the end. First time: funny, second time: moderatly amusing, third time and thereafter: not really amusing at all.

I occasionally listen to Major Nelson or OXM's podcast, but really only if I see something good (i.e., I've probably listened to just a dozen of the former and 4 of the latter) that grabs my attention. Usually it's a developer interview or discussion about a game/topic I want to hear about.

Otherwise, I'm going to listen to Insomniac's podcast on a weekly basis as well. It's too bad Bungie's podcast fell through completely. First one was like in September, the 2nd was at least recorded and ready to be edited and released sometime within like 2 weeks. Never showed up. Those fools are too busy writing manuals or doing something else "community manager"-related. It's alright, though, because the vibe I got from Insomniac's podcast was pretty similar. Even something akin to the whaaambulance. And it seems like they'll be having some great interviews. Therefore, I'm pretty content. But the more developer podcasts, the better.
I've listnened to very good CnC3 tiberium wars Dev podcast. And its good. Lots of info about making the game, tweaking the balance and bunch of other stuff. Its monthly, and i listnened only February edition.
If you guys haven't yet I'd check out SquadXP Podcast at www.squadxp.com or on iTunes. I listen to 4 currently: OXM, 1up Yours, SquadXP and Major Nelson. I tried EGM Live, Cheap Ass Gamer, Next-Gen.Biz and a few other Xbox Live ones and they were all pretty boring. With SquadXP it's pretty much X-rated. Be warned they don't talk just about Xbox and gaming. They really get into sex and drinking alot. :)

Tommy McClain