Favorite Conference?


Hi Guys,

For those of you who have made it out to different conferences, what is your favorite one and why?

I'm hoping to get out and start promoting some of the work we are doing here at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute. Teragrid 07 and SC07 are two big ones for us, but it would be nice if we could branch out and hit some of the more interesting graphics related conferences too.

So what do you guys like? Siggraph? GDC? Others?

As I've only ever attended Siggraph and "Graphics Hardware" I could only really vote for them :)
Smaller scale, but I like the conferences from The Mathworks best. Always superb catering, great atmosphere and loads of interesting info.
Ive always wanted to attend it. Someday.....

If you are student, applying a student volunteer is one cheap way of attending SIGGRAPH. You basically apply to do 15 or 25 hours of work at the conference and they will give you a full conference pass to attend whatever you like (when you are not working of course). If you sign up for 25 hours of work there is also a good chance you will be provided with housing for the week as well. I have been a volunteer the last two years and waiting to hear back for 2007. The downside is having work conflict with the sessions you want to attend. However this can be solved by swapping with other volunteers who are working at that session. You can also signup for pre/post conference shifts which will free up time during the week to checkout more sessions. It has been a great experience for me!