Far Cry 4

I really liked the gameplay of Far Cry 3, despite of the ridiculous story, but this is going to have to be really impressive to get a look in. In the preceding weeks, the following are launching:

7 October - Alien Isolation and Shadows of Mordor
8 October - DriveClub
10 October - Dragon Age
14 October - Batman Arkham Knight

I am hyped for this. Really, really liked Far Cry 3 and blood dragon.

And the open world 3D engine, even considering the screen tearing, was impressive and a real accomplishment on PS3. Also they were not afraid to use small black bars in order to give native pixels to gamers...:rolleyes:
Ubi just announced that FC3 jumped from 6mil to 9mil coppies sold in the last 12 months. Sure a lot of them were sold cheaply, but all those users will represent strong base for purchase of sequel.
Yep, FC3 was one of my favourite games last-gen. I'd buy a remaster for PS4 if it were available.

Looking forward to this.
I'm still debating whether to pick up FC3. The first was one of the greatest FPS's ever made but the second left a very bad taste in my mouth which is really putting me off 3.
I'm still debating whether to pick up FC3. The first was one of the greatest FPS's ever made but the second left a very bad taste in my mouth which is really putting me off 3.

It's definitely worth buying, I hated part 2 and gave up on it quick but part 3 was very good.
Cross gen or not, surely things will scale quite well given that this game will also take advantage of powerful PCs. I thought FC3 was one of the best looking ps3 games and I know that the PC version looked a lot better, so there's hope. Loved this game, had to finish it completely it was so much fun.