Far Cry 360/PC Comparison

expletive said:
Darn. Where?

I posted it, but since people wanted to play my dick is bigger than yours it got closed. The water in FC 360 looks beautiful enough to swim in.

Good luck to your thread.
mckmas8808 said:
I posted it, but since people wanted to play my dick is bigger than yours it got closed. The water in FC 360 looks beautiful enough to swim in.

Good luck to your thread.

Yeah that game seems to be all the rage these days. :)
scooby_dooby said:
wild stab...cause 7800 can't do both HDR and AA simultaneously?
Yes maybe this is the reason. The same reason that FEAR engine doesn't permit soft sadows & AA at the same time : performance hit.

EDIT: I m curious to see if the final 360 veersion will have AA.
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mckmas8808 said:
I posted it, but since people wanted to play my dick is bigger than yours it got closed. The water in FC 360 looks beautiful enough to swim in.

Good luck to your thread.
It looks really good up close, but it also looked like there was a relatively close boundary where the shader cut off (IE it looked like the PC water shader extended farther out into the horizon). Also the splash effects from the bullets really ruined how nice the water looked. ;)

In some ways the water is "different" than the PC version, in that the PC version looks much calmer. Still, over all the effect is more impressive until you start shooting at it.

I wonder if they'll bring the xbox360 shader to the PC. Doesn't really seem like there's any reason they couldn't.

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Diplo said:

Wow! While I can't wait to check this glorious patch out with my own eyes (first I've ever heard of it), I'm now more confused about my own PC hardware than I ever have been before: I thought that G70 could not handle, for one reason or another, FP HDR (al la the method that's used in Far Cry, as opposed to say Source's integer method), period?

Someone enlighten me here please, HDR can definately be one of the most confusing CG techniques to get your head around...

Regarding the X360 game, that water certainly looks incredible imo. If it looks as good as the screenies good on my monitor and the game plays as good as the PC original, I'm sold :).
Nicked said:
Isn't it a tad silly comparing a 2-year old PC game to a new console?

Not when people like me were initially complaining how small of a jump Farcry 360 looked compared to the original PC/XBox versions...video's proved me wrong, it is a nice jump.

What's really silly is being so biased against a piece of hardware you honestly believe a 2year old PC game with HDR looks better than a new console game (eVo!-X Ant UK i'm looking at you!)
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scooby_dooby said:
Not when people like me were initially complaining how small of a jump Farcry 360 looked compared to the original PC/XBox versions...video's proved me wrong, it is a nice jump.

What's really silly is being so biased against a piece of hardware you honestly believe a 2year old PC game with HDR looks better than a new console game (eVo!-X Ant UK i'm looking at you!)
Oh makes sense. Yeah, really, some people....