Far Cry 3 announced

Huh, I quite like the mutants! In it's own way though Farcry was at least as good if not better than Crysis. I would love to see a return to a similar style of gameplay. I can't believe how badly wrong Farcry 2 got it in comparison (although it certainly had it's high points).
I can't tell if you're trashing the concept of open-world game play
No, no... I'm not. In fact I quite enjoyed the open levels of the original Farcry (and the first two Cryses), it was interesting and fun to navigate the levels and see what alternate routes towards an objective I could find, and what the designers had hidden away in various nooks and crannies. Often weapons/attachments could be found earlier on by exploring the level instead of just following the most obvious route. That was also great.

My point was switching up the setting a bit wouldn't hurt
Yeah, but antarctica isn't very suited to an entire game. A couple levels perhaps because there's only so much variety that can be found where there is NOTHING except glaciers and open snowy tundras and maybe some rocks and rubble near the shore.

And there's been a lot of criticism leveled against long-lived WWII games series like CoD for example, but nowhere have I seen criticism that the level design all look like continental Europe in the 1940s... ;)

So just because the setting is similar doesn't mean it's neccessarily a bad thing, although it wouldn't really make sense for ALL Crysis games to take place on jungle islands either of course.

The mutants and the lead character and his shitty dialogue, which also plagued the first Crysis, ruined the first game for me.
Hm, what was so bad about the dialogue in either Farcry or Crysis? It's a matter of personal taste I guess, it didn't nag me in either game I must say. I find it a lot more annoying with hero characters that refuse to speak back when spoken to, that if anything is infuriating. Heck, it was getting so ridiculous in Half-Life 2 episodes that Valve even wrote dialogue for Alyx mocking their own game design choice to prevent Gordon from speaking... ;) (Crytek pretty much does the same thing in the intro to C2 by the way, when you're in the sub with your other marine buddies.)

It looked and played amazingly, in fact it was the first game I ever played that had a draw distance as far as it's.
Yeah, it was the first action game I played where the levels didn't immediately look and feel like computer game levels. That aspect was significant IMO. If you walked around enough you discovered the boundaries that blocked you in of course but it was still a big difference compared to traditional game levels.
I got both White Gold and Precursors. Wow. If they had put a lot more polish into these games they could have had some serious sleeper hits to say the least.

They are both unbelievable in their scope of everything. White Gold is Just Cause + Far Cry + STALKER + Fallout 3. Precursors while being the same game in a lot of ways is of course sci-fi (and has space flight!) so makes me think of Mass Effect, KOTOR, Unreal 2 and X3 in addition to the others! Crazy.
PC Shots.. at least they have balls to post 1080p shots..









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I hope this is a real sequel to Farcry (first game) rather than just nice graphics to cover up a crappy game (Farcry 2).

The graphics certainly look nice though even if all the rendering artifacts make me wince.

What rendering artifacts? The cuts when they are filming with their handheld camera?
All the edge aliasing, foliage aliasing, etc... I can already imagine the attention grabbing crawling in action. Some of that can be mitigated if there's in game AA or at least forceable AA.

Loving it ! The earlier gameplay and now this trailer has grabbed my attention really well. Really looking forward to it :) ! Lets have some completely insane antagonists !
This appears to be much closer to the original Far Cry than the hollow abomination that followed. Consider my interest piqued :)
Damn this looks good.
With humor/drama cut-scenes in the mid a la Uncharted, this looks really good.

If they kept the whole open-world from FC2, I hope it at least has fast-traver (from anywhere, not only some scarce bus stations).
All the edge aliasing, foliage aliasing, etc... I can already imagine the attention grabbing crawling in action. Some of that can be mitigated if there's in game AA or at least forceable AA.

I thought it looked blurry myself. Maybe we didn't watch the same clip.
Am I the only person who liked Far Cry 2? Despite some of the more jarring issues, it was an enjoyable experience in it's totality.

Those FC3 shots look nice btw. The color palette is very much like the first Far Cry on PC, and not that annoying overly golden piss filtered look of the ones on Xbox.
I thought it looked blurry myself. Maybe we didn't watch the same clip.

I've only bothered to look at the 1080p PC shots that were posted. After Far Cry 2, I'm not interested enough to bother to enable Flash just to view videos of this. :p If previews start to mention Far Cry 1 gameplay however, I may change my mind.

Am I the only person who liked Far Cry 2? Despite some of the more jarring issues, it was an enjoyable experience in it's totality.

Those FC3 shots look nice btw. The color palette is very much like the first Far Cry on PC, and not that annoying overly golden piss filtered look of the ones on Xbox.

No you are a member of a small group of fans. I'm not in that group though. ;)

FC2 was one of the early piss vision games, btw. That was when I started to notice this little aesthetic trend, anyway. Just one of its curious design calls.
I liked Far Cry 2, thought it was pretty solid and most of the annoying things could be worked around.

And how did you work around having to spend 30 minutes between each side-quest going from one place to the other, and having every single living being attacking you at first sight just because?

Far Cry 2 was one of the few games I stopped playing because I couldn't stand the repetition and boredom anymore..
And how did you work around having to spend 30 minutes between each side-quest going from one place to the other, and having every single living being attacking you at first sight just because?

Far Cry 2 was one of the few games I stopped playing because I couldn't stand the repetition and boredom anymore..

Off road travelling + bus rides solved that to a reasonable degree. I agree that the spawn time was too short and I would have liked it to be different, but I was able to live with it. Having to hunt the malaria pills was more annoying for me. I still found a lot to like in that game.
the FC3 shots look incredible. and so far it's all about fighting goons on a tropical island, which is what we expect.
goons, boats, weapon crates, bananas and houses made of sheet metal. NO high tech hud, NO alien ships :D