Family web security

I suppose the could move a bookshelf and desk to get to the jack or go out to the garage and surf there (modem is in the garage on a high wall then wired to a jack behind furniture), but they're lazy and that's more work than physics or history...
My son would throw a huge temper tantrum if his Internet was not connected
He would run around in circles screaming his head off.
In the end I got totally fed up with this and said to him
"If you don't stop it I'll nail your other foot to the floor"
Penny Arcade explained my views quite well:

Okay I bought this dual-wan job:

and added a $20 re-certified 80 GB drive:

and I had a 2GB 240 pin SODIMM lying around from a laptop upgrade from 2 years ago...
So I spent $250 ish.

Note that you'll want to install Untangle from a burned CD as USB install is a PITA. I did this by pulling an internal CD-ROM from a desktop and installing with everything on the table.

Nice, thanks! That's a pretty cheap setup. I already have a 2.5" sata spare ready to use.

I approached my wife about it and whilst she doesn't like the idea of having to spend yet another $200+ on yet another computer, she does see the sense behind the idea. After forking out just over a grand on my HTPC a couple of weeks ago (which ended up extremely cost effective setup), I see her hesitation.

The only other issue is I'd have to either try and setup my Buffalo router as an AP or buy a new AP for wireless.
I might actually try Astaro on my test system first, it looks to be the same as their commercial product but free for home use.
So been playing with Astaro for a few days and really liking it. Gives me a lot of control and does everything I need regarding blocking content. In the search engine logs last night I found:

"will using other unsecured wifi prevent anyone seeing what I am doing?"

Her googlefu is horrible but now I'm going to have to pay a visit to the neighbour and teach them a bit about security.
Her googlefu is horrible but now I'm going to have to pay a visit to the neighbour and teach them a bit about security.
/me wonders how hard it would be to get the router to redirect certain MAC addresses to something "unexpected" :devilish:
"will using other unsecured wifi prevent anyone seeing what I am doing?"
I hate to break it to you, but at this point it is over. Any "control" you may have is merely an illusion for your own peace of mind. And imposing any controls your daughter perceives as unjust is going to cause resentment / alienation. You would be much better off simply talking to her...
No, just download some music using your neighbors connection, then inform the riaa you even get a reward I believe :D
I hate to break it to you, but at this point it is over. Any "control" you may have is merely an illusion for your own peace of mind. And imposing any controls your daughter perceives as unjust is going to cause resentment / alienation. You would be much better off simply talking to her...

Figured this would be coming eventually. You're assuming that this is simply an initial reaction to what she might have been doing. You're assuming that we haven't tried to talk to her over the last couple of years with no result. You're assuming that this is some kind of power trip and I'm not just trying to protect my daughter from things I don't believe she is mature enough to handle.

You're assumptions are wrong, but I appreciate your attempt to try and resolve a situation in a less forceful way.

This is not just about web content filtering but also protecting my computers and network from her and her lack of web smarts to know what might be safe and what might not regarding malware.

This is a technology forum, I'm here to get advice on what to do to protect my family and network, not for advice on parenting from someone who doesn't know anything about my family or the situation.
I hate to break it to you, but at this point it is over. Any "control" you may have is merely an illusion for your own peace of mind. And imposing any controls your daughter perceives as unjust is going to cause resentment / alienation. You would be much better off simply talking to her...

I really can't stand when people say things like this. You don't know him or his daughter personally so why even bring up the whole kids rebelling angle. I'd be proud of my daughter if she were trying to find ways around the network security.

I've decided to let my boy run free w/o monitoring. Not worried about viruses or malware since the kid is so vigilant in protecting his technology. I'm sure he's seen some porn in his time, but that's fairly normal. He's seen plenty of naked women by now.
No doubt. I actually do not content filter my kids. I mainly use it to keep them from surfing all night on school nights and for endpoint security. Easy for anyone to get carried away on YouTube or watching anime...this just turns that off at an appropriate time if there is school the next day.
Figured this would be coming eventually. You're assuming that this is simply an initial reaction to what she might have been doing. You're assuming that we haven't tried to talk to her over the last couple of years with no result. You're assuming that this is some kind of power trip and I'm not just trying to protect my daughter from things I don't believe she is mature enough to handle.

You're assumptions are wrong, but I appreciate your attempt to try and resolve a situation in a less forceful way.

This is not just about web content filtering but also protecting my computers and network from her and her lack of web smarts to know what might be safe and what might not regarding malware.

This is a technology forum, I'm here to get advice on what to do to protect my family and network, not for advice on parenting from someone who doesn't know anything about my family or the situation.
Well I'll apologize for even thinking it even though I didn't really post it, your post nailed almost exactly what I was thinking and then pointed out why I was wrong. :oops:

I don't try and control my kid's web usage; but that's me, and the choice I made in how to raise my doesn't make it right. It just makes it right for us. ;)

Different strokes for different folks. I may have to change my policies depending on how my kids do, they're only 11 & 14 now and still insanely well behaved for their age. (NO ONE TELL THEM I SAID THAT!) I haven't gotten to the rebellious phase or nothing yet, when that comes I may very well change my tune and lock down the shit out of my internal network and put key loggers on their machines.

Parenting is a biatch. You do what you can, you do what you have to do, and you're still never sure if you're actually doing the right thing. The best you can do is the best you can do, and situations can change fast and severely. I wish I had some input to tell you on what you want to know Malo, but I ain't there yet so I don't know it....but I might be bugging y'all in a bit down the road for this info and then you can all have a good "we told you so!" laugh at my expense. :p
Sonic said:
I really can't stand when people say things like this. You don't know him or his daughter personally so why even bring up the whole kids rebelling angle.
And I really can't stand when people misrepresent the positions of other people they don't even know. :rolleyes: I worked in public education for a while with hundreds/thousands kids from ages 13 - 18 of all races, religions, social and economic statuses.

Malo said:
You're assumptions are wrong,
I made no assumptions about your intentions, if you read any such judgments in my statement that is a creation of your own mind, not mine. In fact, you are the one now making an assumption. I simply made a factual statement that if you are trying to control what your daughter sees or does on the internet you will not be able to. You may not like the previous sentence, but it is the truth.

Malo said:
This is not just about web content filtering but also protecting my computers and network from her and her lack of web smarts to know what might be safe and what might not regarding malware.
Which is perfectly understandable and reasonable... I'm not sure where I ever said otherwise however.