Fallout 3 heading to XBox 360?


Official Xbox Magazine which hits newstands on Feb 15th will include an article about Bethesda's Fallout 3. This indicates that the new Fallout is going to be 360's game though of course other console and PC-versions may be possible. Hopefully OXM can give us all the details on release dates and platforms.

Speaking to Todd Howard (Executive producer of Oblivion, Morrowind and Fallout) with regard to Bethesda’s plans for 2007 and beyond, he told us; "We started work (on Fallout 3) in late 2004 with a few people. We only had about 10 people on it until Oblivion wrapped, but most of our staff is on it now." Is it wishful thinking that Fallout 3 will eventually be released on Microsoft’s next-gen machine? With the game itself utilising the same Gamebryo engine as Oblivion, perhaps not. And promised to be as huge and open-ended as their multi-award winning 2006 effort, demand for Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360 would be huge.
Here is the full story.
looks like teasing, we'll have to wait til 15th of february!
What! they want me to buy their magazin! teasing with very fex proofs to back up theirs claims.
wait and see...
The Fallout I am jones-ing for is PC game. In the spirit of Fallout2 or Fallout Tactics.

If they make a Fallout:poS type xbox game I am going to be angry.
Sorry hardcore Fallout fans.....

But if they dumb this game down and adapt it for console audiences I will be in heaven!!! =D It would be just the game I've been waiting for!

Hope it comes to PS3 tho. Otherwise it does me no good until I get a 360.
Sorry hardcore Fallout fans.....
Hardcore Fallout fans are crazy, and shouldn't be allowed out in the world unsupervised. Luckily for the rest of us, they’re not (all sitting at home obsessing over the loss of 'Van Buren', making voodoo dolls of ex-interplay management, and hating on Bethesda @ internet message boards).

I'll quote myself from two and a half year ago, as it's still my level of anticipation for a new fallout game:
Zaphod said:
Heh. If those guys [rabid Fallout fans from certain website] were light bulb fans, they'd raise living hell about those fluorescent low-power bulbs. "How dare they call those abominations light bulbs... To be a proper light bulb you need to have a piece of glowing metal emitting the actual light! I'd rather have no light at all than this piece of crap. Edison would be saddened to see his work dragged through the mud and stomped upon in this matter! Philips: You suck for taking light away from my life!" :devilish:

Personally i couldn’t care less if they don't make it third person isometric as long as the atmosphere, humor and freedom remain. I really don't want a Fallout 3 to be nothing more than an expansion pack for Fallout 2. (Which, sadly, seems to be exactly what some people want...) That would be a real letdown after more than six [make than nine] years of waiting.

I will however add caution to my optimism for two reasons: The first being that the general feeling of Morrowind [make that Oblivion] is very different from the experience I got from the original Fallouts. Couple this with the 'sticking to what we do best' statements: Well; that certainly doesn't seem to be writing dialogue. The second reason being Invisible War. It just wasn't Deus Ex. (I know I can't blame Bethesda for the suckage of IW but it serves the point of showing that what might have been a decent game in and of itself got ruined for me because it 'felt' wrong. My initial reaction to IW was "What the hell is this?", while in comparison my first reaction to Deadly Shadows was "It's Thief.")

Bottom line is: If they can't make it *feel* like Fallout they shouldn't bother with the license in the first place as it will bring no sales from those who doesn't know the 'source material' and only serve to alienate the those who do. (Not counting the most rabid Fallout fans, as they will no doubt buy it and then promptly proceed to hating it anyways no matter how good it is.)
I just hope they make a good game with the atmosphere from the first two, and don’t settle for an Oblivion mod with Nuka Cola...
I think it is important that they keep the "feel" different than Oblivion. Fallout needs a little more direction, with the antagonists making a significant impact on the game world. Oblivion kind of gives me the feeling that the main quest isn't significantly more important than the thieves guild stuff or the Dark Brotherhood, and has a real feeling of connectedness between the different zones. Fallout needs to have each settlement be largely independant, larger than the Oblivion towns and have a large number of quests inside each city (thinking the Mafia quests of New Reno here).

Biggest thing is planting explosives on people. If they don't have that, it isn't Fallout.
My dream Fallout game would be a huge single seamless world map. And not just jumping from one set peice to another. And thats hopefully something they will inherit just by virtue of being a Bethesda game now. It would need vehicles like in Fallout Tactics to haul your team around.

It needs have to stay an isometric over the top game or it's not Fallout. I know some people are thinking - it's has guns in it lets make it a shooter. But for gods sake don't give me a a damn Fallout branded FPS game! It's a strategy game not an action game and thats why I am worried about it comming to a console. Consolising a game tends to add action elements and remove strategy.

It needs to keep the squad/team elements for it to be Fallout. It does not have to stay be turn based. Fallout Tactics had a pretty good system for the combat where it was mostly realtime but maintained turn based elements. Silent Storm II awesome example of a game in this genre with a 3D engine.

Coop would be freaking awesome. I had lots of fun with Fallout Tactics mutiplayer but the game had no coop. I thought Tactics was a pretty good game and tried to move the genre forward. Too bad it was poorly received. My only real gripe with tactics was that once you started facing robots, the pacing of totally got fraked the game slowed down to a crawl. The robots were so freaking powerfull and armored it totally threw the game off balance because your well trained team became useless... And you had to suffer through a lot of long drawn out battles were you make one bad move and you are reloading the save game again. But desipte it's flaws, just thinking about the game makes me want to install it and play through it again!
This is Bethesda...the year is 2007...something like Oblivion has been heralded as the best thing since forever...hissy fits are thrown over the so-substance filled Crysis-what are the odds of this even vaguely having anything to do with Fallout?It won`t. It will pe a glorified piece of junk, that`s almost Oblivion but in a different setting and is rated Teen, because having it rated Mature would mean less sales, and we can`t have that now, can we?

There simply isn`t a market left for games like Fallout was. The charm of it was the entire package, the isometric view, the turn-based combat, the dim gameworld etc. Now imagine it in first-person, with a Bethesda-DialogueTM, and in a cheerfull post-apocalyptic world-is it still Fallout?

I think that the only good RPG makers left are Bioware, with Obsidian giving it a good shot, but still not quite there yet, so I`m not exactly very hopeful when it comes to Fallout3.