Falcon Northwest Responds!

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To this day, Kyle & Chris have both been extremely active on theirs and other forums defending their position from people now questioning the review. I had decided to just bite my tongue and let the review fade. But it’s been more than a week of this, and if they’re going to keep restating and restating the opinion that torpedoed our review (and their own correction) it’s time our side was heard.

First, and most importantly, why I complained about the review at all: The MSI/ATI board performed well in this review. Its performance was, according to Chris “Extremely fast.†For MSI and ATI to be unjustly accused of the instability was premature and proved wrong, and that was my primary point to have corrected. To HardOCP’s credit they (technically) corrected it. However, their first line bold statement of “ATI Not the Problem†was pretty much nullified by Kyle’s restating and elaborating even more vehemently his opinion of the ATI chipset, based on some other review he’d done in the past. He said it “might be fine for email and Web surfing boxes, but it is not a good solution for gamers.†That this chipset actually performed very well in gaming in this review, which was the supposed point of their correction, just seemed to fuel Kyle’s hatred of it. Although the correction begins with “ATI Not the Problemâ€, by the end of the page most readers seem to be leaving with Kyle’s opinion that the ATI chipset is a problem.

The whole issue in this review is that the videocard developed some slight breakdown at HardOCP – after it passed our burn-in. It passed our 14 hour loop of 3DMark05 at 1600x1200 4x/8x in an 85F room, as well as the rest of our 3 day burn-in tests. When we received the FragBox back from HardOCP, 3DMark05 would BSOD with an “NV4DISP†error after 5 hours of looping at 1024 in a 74F room. The card was breaking down, but not showing any corruption or other obvious signs of failure. If it was a more pronounced error, we could’ve diagnosed it on the phone and just overnighted them a new one.

Kyle & Chris have made a big deal of the fact that our technical support suspected it was the motherboard/memory causing the issue, and that HardOCP called several times over a week and we couldn’t fix this over the phone. Since the graphics card seemed to be running fine during the review, and CPUs rarely go bad, the motherboard or its interaction with memory seemed to our technical support, and to Chris, to be the most likely culprit of the BF2 lockups. And we freely admit when this board first came out we needed to get some BIOS tweaks done to fix a memory timing issue with a specific game title. This BF2 lockup after hours of playing was acting similarly, so we kept an open mind. We were ALL proven wrong in suspecting the motherboard. How does our being mistaken in our suspicion in any way make HardOCP any less wrong themselves? They admitted they were wrong, but still use our tech support’s emails thinking it may be a motherboard issue as some sort of ‘defense’ in their forum posts. Huh?
Ooooh, good stuff! Thanks VVEGA, I'm off to frontpage it at EB. :)
What have I been saying in the other thread? Summed up by the last sentence in Kelt's post:

Kelt Reeves said:
If they can just get to the point where they’re reviewing products for what they actually are, and not what they feel they are, I think they could have the best system review program going.
Kelt Reeves said:
....However, their first line bold statement of “ATI Not the Problem†was pretty much nullified by Kyle’s restating and elaborating even more vehemently his opinion of the ATI chipset, based on some other review he’d done in the past. He said it “might be fine for email and Web surfing boxes, but it is not a good solution for gamers.†That this chipset actually performed very well in gaming in this review, which was the supposed point of their correction, just seemed to fuel Kyle’s hatred of it. Although the correction begins with “ATI Not the Problemâ€, by the end of the page most readers seem to be leaving with Kyle’s opinion that the ATI chipset is a problem.

By the way, there's a lot more than what digi has posted. Read the its entirety at the link!

This quote from Kelt has summed up very well the main crux of the issue. The issue wasn't blowing over as hoped, so I think its great that a company head is willing to come out with the straight goods to confront issues like this head on.
This has really pulled the rug out from under Kyle and his protestations that Falcon supports his standpoint, his use of their emails and support troubleshooting as a justification, and his "correction" that simply continues with the same line of incorrect rhetoric.
great reply, found the point about how the system stability was scored to be very interesting in comparison to a past review. Apparently if hardocp reviews a system and it flakes out from a simple bad apple in the computer (be it ram, card, processor, or motherboard) in their favorite game they dock points from stability more then if the system was overclocked way outa spec and artifacted. Right...

All in all a great responce, i dont expect to hear from anyone saying otherwise except for the most ignorant brown nosers. I think anyone else who runs a review site, once again, can take this as a lesson of what not to do.
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Good read and good reply - thanks to Kelt for tying loose ends and I agree with what he's saying.

I noticed this posted on HardOCP too - it looks as if Chris is drafting a change for the Velocity Micro System review that Kelt mentions in his response: http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1028503118&postcount=4

I believe that what HardOCP are doing with their system reviews is great, but I hope that there will be a consistent 'guideline' set out for their future reviews. It is one reason why I personally hate giving a score for a product, because that score is always open to criticism. I mean, what is 10/10 and what is that score measured by? What is 9/10 and how is that product different from a 10/10 product? If your 'guideline' changes, what happens to all of the previous reviews? Do the scores just become invalid?

FWIW, I don't regret what I said in the previous thread, because the fact that many of ATI's partners are choosing to use the ULi M1573 southbridge over ATI's SB450 southbridge for their CrossFire motherboards says something about what motherboard manufacturers think about SB450.
I am impressed by what Kelt has to say. This thoughts are very logical and have a purpose and do not deal with anything other than the facts surrounding the issue at hand.
bigz said:
Good read and good reply - thanks to Kelt for tying loose ends and I agree with what he's saying.

Better late than never, I guess. ;) Just don't do what Kyle did and start railing on the chipset based on some opinion (founded or unfounded) as some justification for what you said in the other thread...

FWIW, I don't regret what I said in the previous thread, because the fact that many of ATI's partners are choosing to use the ULi M1573 southbridge...

Kyle is just unbelievable.

Why he gets the support he does is completely beyond my understanding.

He thinks he is some kind of tencho god who has the right to be completely unreasonable, Biased, or unwilling to work with hardware companies unless they stroke his Ego like some megalomaniac.

Then he makes outrageous and flat out wrong editorial statements. Attacks companies that dont pander to him, or he has some pet peeve against or does not fit into his personal unreasonable, or bought off Bias of the moment.

This is going to go down as yet another one of the Times Kyle has made a complete ass of himself yet insists that he hasnt and its really all of us who are screwed up.

Don't be so hard on the guy.
He just needs our help...
Lets set up a fund so he can get professional help..
er.. wait he's rich huh?
Lets get an online petition goin!
That's the sort of considered opinion we could use more of. Thanks for linking it, VV.
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