Explain To Me The Benefits of SM 3.0 For Nvidia

Chalnoth said:
Basic idea: use branching to combine many shaders into one. An uber shader can save performance by reducing state changes, depending upon a number of other factors.
Er... what's an "uber shader" supposed to be?
From here:
Yes, this is a state change (and shader recompile in pixel shader). Uber shaders can be used to avoid state changes, but uber shaders use extremely coherent dynamic branching (branch condition supplied as a vertex attribute), rather than static branching.
And yes, that too, DemoCoder.
Sorry... first I heard of this, er, term.

I have my own workarounds to avoid state changes (even pre-SM3).... I suppose my work should be easier. Who should I contact for this?

edit : Note that I don't have a SM3.0 card.