Every generation the jump needs to get bigger to see a huge diffrence or one we are used to.

If the ps1 - ps2 needed 10x the power to have a visual leap like it did. Then the ps3 will need a 100x the power of the ps2. The ps4 would need a 1000 .

As we throw more and more polygons at the screen the less and less of a jump it will look like from our point of view.
jvd said:
Every generation the jump needs to get bigger to see a huge diffrence or one we are used to.

If the ps1 - ps2 needed 10x the power to have a visual leap like it did. Then the ps3 will need a 100x the power of the ps2. The ps4 would need a 1000 .

As we throw more and more polygons at the screen the less and less of a jump it will look like from our point of view.

I think "clever" methods might help a lot, j. One doesn't necessarily need 100X the power to make something look astoundingly better than the previous "attempts".
3Dc comes to mind... And many other "tricks". That's how i call them, cause at the end of the day, that's what they are, much like mos other 3D graphics techniques, just a set of tricks made to fool our eyes.

So, PS4 might not really need 1000X the power of PS3 (and it aint gonna happen ANYWAY, so...) to have a visible jump in graphics. Just like PS3 doesn't really "need" 100X ps2's power to make us go wow. It might need 100x the ELECTRICAL power, but that's another thing ;)