Everyone wants Xbox360 Premium, No one wants Xbox360 Core System

I live in US now and have near proximity of large department stores. In April first week we see many Xbox360 units in stores. All Xbox360 Premium is sold in 1 week but many Xbox360 Core is not sold and is in glass box.

I feel if Microsoft only make premium system they will have much more sales and demand for softwares but because not many people like to have core systems much less demand is there for software.

Also I think if Microsoft only made core system at $300 that many will want Core system but because Premium system is also made and has "premium" name no one wants "cheap-skate" image to buy core system. But now it is too late to stop Premium production so best decision is to stop Core system production and only make Premium, no? This is what I feel on this issue.
The only people I know who got the Core, did so because of Premium lack of availability and bought the HDD....
Basically that makes it a Premium (hardware wise) anyway...

my 0.02€
ihamoitc2005 said:
I live in US now and have near proximity of large department stores. In April first week we see many Xbox360 units in stores. All Xbox360 Premium is sold in 1 week but many Xbox360 Core is not sold and is in glass box.

I feel if Microsoft only make premium system they will have much more sales and demand for softwares but because not many people like to have core systems much less demand is there for software.

Also I think if Microsoft only made core system at $300 that many will want Core system but because Premium system is also made and has "premium" name no one wants "cheap-skate" image to buy core system. But now it is too late to stop Premium production so best decision is to stop Core system production and only make Premium, no? This is what I feel on this issue.

IMO all they have to do is drop the HDD to $60 and the problem solves itself. The core would basically be just as good a deal, and people wouldn't be so averse to buying it.
scooby_dooby said:
IMO all they have to do is drop the HDD to $60 and the problem solves itself.

They first need to make the HDD readily available, they seem to be harder to come by than the consoles themselves.
Thing is, the core actually costs $340 becuase you need something to save on and the memory card is $40. So $340 for a console with 64mb worth of save space, or $400 for a cosnole with 13gb of save space as well as a headset and upgrade to a wireless controller; the choice seems rather obvious.

So yeah, like Scooby said while I was posting, its the high price of the HDD that makes the core fairly pointless.
Why would they want to do any of these things?

The core exists because Sony won't be able to compete with it price wise. So parents who have children that are begging them for an X360 can go purchase one with whatever game the kid wants for $360.

The reason the Core systems are currently sitting on the shelves is because the only people who are buying systems right now are hardcore fans who know better. The Core system wasn't ever meant for them.

I think the question of why MS decided to include any Core systems at all at launch is a good one. But that most likely is a result of a HDD shortage. I've never seen a HDD accessory available for purchase. Can you imagine if they didn't make all those Core systems without the HDD?

Also.. don't forget there are rumors of a larger capacity HDD coming down the pipeline eventually. What would you rather 'waste' money on? A small HDD or a memory card?
RancidLunchmeat said:
So parents who have children that are begging them for an X360 can go purchase one with whatever game the kid wants for $360.
$400, the kid needs to be able to save.

As for HDD shortages, I've seen them around and nothing about the HDD is hard to manfacture.
Think of it this way, when Premium and PS3 are both $299 - 360 Core will be $199, that is a HUGE difference and for 13 year olds who just want to play Halo 3, or for example casual gamers who couldn't give less of a you-know-what about online gaming, or even for sports gamers who do nothing but buy the latest EA games every year, this is probably the difference between jumping on board or waiting.

So in my opinion for PS3 all signs are still pointing that it will be OPTIONAL attachment even if included in the first PS3 "Premium" SKUs sold), then they can rip it out some day to be able to compete with Xbox. From game dev perspective the story being told around the HDD is "if you want to play online, you need it attached at the time the game is running" and that's about it.

It's the only way, really if they put it in standard 100% they would get stomped on in a price war in 2007/2008. Premium/Core SKU Split was probably the single smartest move that MS made, Sony's only option is to yet again copy MS.
I think the Core system exists so MS can charge the ~$500 they want to for the console.

After you buy the Core system for $300 you need to spend another $100 for the HD, $50 for a wireless controller and $40 for the HD-AV cables. This way MS can ship a very, very small supply of loss leader Premium systems and force anyone who wants the system without waiting an obnoxious period of time to pay the $500 they want to charge for it.

They will have to stop doing this at some point as games are coming that require the HD, and likely in the '07-'08 timeframe we will start to see games requiring the HD-DVD drive so they will roll that in to the system and have a price point at or above the cost of the PS3, either that or they will pull a Sega and horribly divide their installed base(a road to eventual failure).
CountZeroInt said:
Think of it this way, when Premium and PS3 are both $299 - 360 Core will be $199...
So you think they will drop the premium by 25% and at the same time drop the core by 33%? I highly doubt that.
BenSkywalker said:
They will have to stop doing this at some point as games are coming that require the HD, and likely in the '07-'08 timeframe we will start to see games requiring the HD-DVD drive so they will roll that in to the system and have a price point at or above the cost of the PS3, either that or they will pull a Sega and horribly divide their installed base(a road to eventual failure).


Because that makes far more sense than the fact that you will never see a MS HD-DVD or BR Game, all games will come on DVDs and any HD-DVD or BR drive you ever see in an X360 will be for the sole purpose of watching movies.

No, MS is doomed to failure by splitting their user base and not only that, when they eventually add HD-DVD it will cost more than a PS3 with a BR drive.

Because that makes far more sense than the fact that you will never see a MS HD-DVD or BR Game

You'll never see a game that requires the HD either- just ask MS. You really believe that MS isn't going to have HD-DVD games on the 360? If so, I have this very nice and popular bridge for sale..... :p
kyleb said:
$400, the kid needs to be able to save.

How do you figure? $299 for the Core, $60.00 for a game.

Also, I said that was $360 the parents would be spending. Parents who most likely won't realize at the time of purchase they need to purchase any additional accessories (such as a memory card).

As for HDD shortages, I've seen them around and nothing about the HDD is hard to manfacture.

I wouldn't think there would be any difficulty in their manufacturing, but I also haven't seen the first one. Of course, as I noted in an earlier thread, I only recently saw any X360's (cores or premiums) on the shelves. However, face plates, controllers, AV cables, games, etc.. have all been available since launch. (actually, since before launch, which I thought was odd)
BenSkywalker said:
You'll never see a game that requires the HD either- just ask MS. You really believe that MS isn't going to have HD-DVD games on the 360? If so, I have this very nice and popular bridge for sale..... :p

Uhh.. Yes. MS will never have HD-DVD games on the 360.

But I suppose you have lots of evidence to the contrary, and this supports your stance that MS will split their user base as well as the fact that these HD-DVD additions will cost MS more than the PS3 costs Sony, and is thus more expensive for the consumer?

I'd love to see all that evidence.
The advantage of the Core will be seen when the cost of systems start to drop.

If Core system is $199 (2 years maybe?) and they pack a free memory card and/or drop the HDD price down to $50-$60 it will be the next gen alternative for the masses and the Christmas gift of choice (for gaming systems).

the core system is not to be judged until that time. It was designed IMO to be a future earner.
BenSkywalker said:
MS has OKd the HD being required. User base split.

That's pretty long way from releasing games on HD-DVD, but it doesn't seem to matter to you. The only way I could see them releasing games on HD-DVD is so that the same game would also be released on DVD, but maybe on 2 or 3 DVDs. I would say that it's 100% that we won't see high profile HDDVD only game.
The only way I could see them releasing games on HD-DVD is so that the same game would also be released on DVD, but maybe on 2 or 3 DVDs.

At least one multi DVD game has already been announced(it was during the initial launch window).

I would say that it's 100% that we won't see high profile HDDVD only game.

Why? The HD only games are on their way, and I would say the first ever Square/Enix game to hit a MS system is high profile. What would make you assume that they wouldn't utilize HD-DVD exclusively for a game? DVD is extremely small for this generation of games when looking at what the Japanese devs are going to be pushing- is MS going to just give up entirely on the Far East developers? I don't see that happening. Look at what happened to Nintendo when they decided to ignore the latest technology in terms of allowing extensive FMV clips in their game- and they already dominated the global market. DVD-9 doesn't have the capacity for a lot of HD-FMV, nor even a reasonable amount actually. Speaking for myself I am not a big fan of 'cinematic' gaming- I utterly loathe titles such as MGS and I thought FFVII was the harbinger of the complete implosion of one of my favorite franchises- but that doesn't change what developers will support and what consumers want. The N64 offered every bit of the gameplay potential that the PSX did despite its storage limitations, didn't change that outcome.

MS has proven that they are only too happy to lie to you and split their customer base with next to no effort by developers. If Squenix came to MS and said DQ9 on your system but HD-DVD only they would do it in an instant.