Eurgamer: God of War 2 and GT4 Online (Leaked documents)


Take this with a grain of salt and store this in the rumour bin.

Eurogamer has two pieces on a God of War sequal slated for 07 and GT4 Online in Q2 06.

GOW2 said:
God of War 2 is being prepared for release on PlayStation 2 in the USA next February, with a PAL release to follow, Eurogamer has learned, and Sony reckons the series has the potential to expand to PSP, PS3, mobile and even film.

All of this comes to us courtesy of leaked Sony marketing documentation, which suggests the publisher wants to build on the success of the first game...

GT4 Online said:
Gran Turismo 4 Online Edition is due out in Q2 2006 and will include six-player online play along with worldwide server rankings and replay upload options.

That's been leaked to us as part of a bundle of marketing documentation, which Sony has yet to comment on.

edit: removed links as they are now "dead", will keep the quotes though. ;)
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If true, it's nice to see persistent commitment to PS2. On the other hand, GoW2 on PS2 will only lengthen the time till we see GoW on PS3..although I guess it was always too much to expect to see it early on! :)
I too am glad Sony is still supporting the number 1 platform well into 07. Though a bit surprised. I would hazard a guess that since it would be backwards compatible on the PS3, one might see slight upgrades like higher resolution and AA for those with PS3s. I'm looking forward to GT4 online though, however, I don't like the idea of punks ramming the rear of a car as I know everyone does during GT multiplayer.
That really blows IMO, I was really looking forward to seeing a God of War sequel on PS3. No doubt if they release it on PS2 it'll end up being more of an expansion (aka cash-in) instead of a proper sequel.
m1nd_x said:
That really blows IMO, I was really looking forward to seeing a God of War sequel on PS3. No doubt if they release it on PS2 it'll end up being more of an expansion than a proper sequel, aka cash-in.

I don't think David Jaffe would allow that. It's his call what he wants to do. A third instalment might be included for ps3, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jaffe did something new.
m1nd_x said:
No doubt if they release it on PS2 it'll end up being more of an expansion (aka cash-in) instead of a proper sequel.

Why? You can't have "proper" sequels on the same system? :p

Interesting that Eurogamer has pulled both stories. They now say:

The information that previously appeared here has been removed under the threat of legal action from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

Guess that means they were true ;)
drpepper said:
I don't think David Jaffe would allow that. It's his call what he wants to do. A third instalment might be included for ps3, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jaffe did something new.
I don't think he really has any say as to what he is doing, I think a call like that would come from someone a lot higher. I'm sure they are capable of working on multiple projects at this point though, I just hope one of them is a PS3 title.
Titanio said:
Guess that means they were true ;)
Thats all the confirmation we really need I guess. lol

I think it's nice that they're still going to support the PS2, but the system has reached it's limits I think. If they're going to add anything to the game on PS2, I think it'll end up suffering in another area, like AI/Graphics etc etc.
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Titanio said:
Interesting that Eurogamer has pulled both stories. They now say:

Guess that means they were true ;)

Cha-Ching! Sometimes it's better to not do anything and still leave it as just "a rumour."
perhaps it would be a good idea to release this GT4 online on both consoles-that is, the PS2 and PS3 (perhaps as a launch title). It would allow Polyphony Digital to expirement a little bit with the new hardware, and it would allow Sony to show off the features of their supposed Playstaion HUB, or Playstation World, or Playstation Gone Wild or w/e...if it launches alongside the console, that is.
mckmas8808 said:
So what's the second quarter to Sony? What month will this GT4-2 come out?

Q2 will mean calendar year Q2, so between April and June. That's what kinda throws me here. I mean for a Q2 release, the game would really have to be announced pretty sharpish if they're going to be able to promote it enough [you know with all the first impressions and the gradual grinding of the marketing machine] before it comes out. I can't possibly imagine they're saving the announcement for E3, so there has to be some event before then. No doubt the 'PlayStation Conference' would have been the place but since that's not happening, or has been pushed back, there will have to be an event in March to formally announce this. I can't see GT4:O as the sort of game they'd give a boring press release for to announce.
Inane_Dork said:
If these games are coming, it sounds like Sony is not thinking of the PS3 being here all that soon.

No, it means that they actually care about supporting current and future consoles. 100 million people need games to play, why not make games for them?
Sony has a different philosophy when it comes to supporting "old" gen machines.
PSOne got a lot of top games when the PS2 was released, and continued to get big name titles year or two after the PS2 was launched.
They continued to manufacture the PSOne years after PS2, with full support.

Unlike Microsoft, who basically stopped manufacturing the xbox even before the xbox360 was launched, not to mention there really aren't many games scheduled for the original 'box any more.

That there is A-list PS2 titles announced for year 2007, really tells little about PS3 release schedule if they are continuing with their support model this gen.
Avon_Implosion said:
perhaps it would be a good idea to release this GT4 online on both consoles-that is, the PS2 and PS3 (perhaps as a launch title). It would allow Polyphony Digital to expirement a little bit with the new hardware, and it would allow Sony to show off the features of their supposed Playstaion HUB, or Playstation World, or Playstation Gone Wild or w/e...if it launches alongside the console, that is.

There would be no point in releasing two versions of GT4: Online as the PS3 would be BC with the title. I'd think it would benefit them more to make a separate title all together.
Well Sony can't obviously start ignoring 100M users just because PS3 comes out. People would go mental. It must be a gradual thing, especially because PS3 won't be "mainstream" for quite some time, because of supply issues they no doubt will encounter.
london-boy said:
Well Sony can't obviously start ignoring 100M users just because PS3 comes out.

That's probably the kind of thing Sega would have done though. Ah, never mind me, getting nostalgic.[/OT]
function said:
That's probably the kind of thing Sega would have done though. Ah, never mind me, getting nostalgic.[/OT]

Well i wouldn't be too sure... With DC, they obviously couldn't support it anymore, but if we look at their track record even before being "in trouble", they weren't too good at that. They didn't support the Genesis, SegaCD, X32 and Saturn much after their deaths either. Hell, i can see 2 of those weren't supported much even when they were still "alive"!!