And? Its not like oligopolies are perfectly acceptable market forms. You literally have two companies that basically own the entire smartphone market. The two companies are just pointing at the other as proof they don't have a monopoly. But oligopolies can be just as destructive to a market.
I don't anyone considers that apple and google's ecosystems has led to market in which conditions have created optimal competition.
Are you talking about the market for smart phones or the market for smart phone software?
Yeah, developers who want to sell games for smart phones pretty much have to go iOS or Android or both.
Or neither.
They don't have some inherent right to make money by selling smart phone games.
In any event, while Epic and a few others have made waves, there are thousands of developers/publishers on both iOS and Android selling games.
Most of them aren't making anywhere near the same kind of money as Epic. But they're not pulling stunts to cry about the fees being too high.
They knew going in what the price of entry was.
To generate even more analogies, it's like leasing office or retail space. You knew going in how much the rent was and you run your business, thrive at the location. But the you decide you don't want to pay as much in rent.
Meanwhile most of the other tenants are not complaining, even though they haven't made nearly the amount of money as the whiny one.
So Epic wants to involve lawyers and politicians to try to get it better business terms.
Only thing going for Epic in this dispute is that Apple is so rich, there's a good chance they get a sympathetic ear from politicians or more likely EU regulators.