Enterbrain / Famitsu soft/hard sales for January 10th - 16t

Teasy said:
Seriously I'm not exagerating, for me its terrible. I never play console RTS games and I never would.

No problem there. I felt the same way about FPSes on consoles though, a genre that uses the keyboard mouse combination MORE than the RTS one. And yet, I've played games like Time Splitters2, etc. and quite enjoyed them though I haven't played them much in the multiplayer aspect (other than some Halo). FPSes can't really be played with just the mouse. RTSes on the other hand can easily be played with the mouse alone. Witness the way SC is played in Korea.

Teasy said:
In general though I think most people aren't interested in playing a RTS using anything but a mouse and keyboard.

I would have said the same about FPSes on consoles. But HaloI/II, Metroid Prime/Echoes, GoldenEye, etc. all proved me wrong. RTSes can be played much easier with the mouse alone than an FPS using the mouse alone. Again, the Korean market illustrates this quite clearly.

Teasy said:
Just look at the lack of RTS games on consoles.

That doesn't mean their isn't a market for them. Go back to JUST BEFORE the launch of VERY first FPS on a console. Using your argument, at that point in time we could see the complete lack of FPS games on a console. Yet here we are today with one of the most successful console games ever being a FPS.

Teasy said:
The massive difference in view/perspective alone makes them not similar at all IMO from when looking at what level of graphical quality is needed. In a RTS you're far away from the characters in the game. You don't need to zoom in an look at how beautiful a tank is..

Don't get me wrong, you are absolutely correct that the detail level noticed in an RTS is less than in an FPS. And I'd even go further by stating that this is compounded on the small screens of portables.

Teasy said:
you want to send 50 of them into battle and be able to see them all and the enemy coming over the hill towards you. That's what I mean when I say its about strategy, being able to see hundreds of units of space at any one time so you can make strategic decisions. That is very different to a FPS.

But part of graphical power is the ability to render all 50 of those tanks with firing effects going full blast without any slowdown. The PSP is far more likely to be able to pull this off than the DS.

Teasy said:
I've tried a few online FPS and BF1942 is by far my favourite. The battles are epic, the atmosphere is great and I really like the variety of vehicles. When it comes to online battles I prefer real life style scenario's rather then fantasy ones (like UT).

No problem there. BF has a GREAT feel overall for sure (art is poor tho). It's just that the gameplay of mano-to-mano combat (I should clarify that I didn't mean just foot soldiers per se but rather one-on-one type of fighting) is rather weak compared to others out there; e.g. Tribes1/2/3, CSS, UT, etc. Other than piloting planes, I found the skill curve is rather shallow.
When is the last time that Nintendo's handheld console was outsold by competitor in any given week?? Although it is not guaranteed that PSP will outsell DS week after, but still pretty impressive nevertheless. Will this be the first time that graphics will actually matter in handheld consoles? Because graphical difference between DS and PSP is pretty big..to the point that even non-gamer like my mother could tell that PSP looks lot better than DS.(btw, i own both)
JasonLD said:
When is the last time that Nintendo's handheld console was outsold by competitor in any given week??
When was the last time they actually had any competition worth a damn. ;) And not only that, but a handheld industry that's actually broad, and with many areas of distinction.

We're in the handheld generation NOW, though. We'll see how it goes. :)