Enterbrain / Famitsu soft/hard sales for January 10th - 16t

So far I've only been able to try the games I've bought with the system. Which are Mario 64, Asphalt Urban GT and Metroid Hunters.

I bought the DS at launch (ordered it a couple of months before that). I'm glad I did as we. Because one of my friends, who ordered a DS a couple of weeks after launch, still hasn't got his!
Try Asphalt Urban GT. A lot of reviews of that game haven't done it justice AFAICS. Its the second DS game I bought and its quite a fun arcade racer IMO.

I gave that a try at an EB. I didn't find it that great. My first game was spiderman 2 which I turned around and sold a few weeks later. that was was one of the worse games I had played in a long time.

BTW which PSP games have you played?

I haven't yet, my point was there's more games that interest me on the PSP at this point.
Asphalt Urban GT didn't seem good to me at first either. But after a few tries, once I got used to the drifting and boosting, it became really fun.
max-pain said:
SCEI announces that PlayStation game software production reached 197 million units in Japan by September 1999.

Cumulative Production Shipments of Software Titles (as of September 30, 2004)
Japan: Approximately 142 million units (PS2)

Almost the same timeframe. (And less competition in this generation.)

Ok then.. now we know why GT4 is disapointing... except.. no we don't :)

Lets get back to this subject in a few years.
I'm with Quincy on this one as well. So far the DS titles aren't that interesting but that's also expected as launch titles generally aren't that great anyhow.

Over here, it's easy to get a DS. Just walk into any store that carries GBAs.
Qroach said:
if I had the choice between PSP and DS software, I would take the PSP games. The DS software selection with the exception of one title has been horrible.

No offence but go to gamestop and look at thier preorder list for the psp .

Half of the games for the psp at launch will be on the ds by the time it comes here in march (usa )

Neither system has a stellar launch line up and considering i haven't played some of the games coming to the ds in years where as some of the games on the psp i have just finished playing in the last 1 or 2 years. It makes the choice easy .
Anyone got a list of upcoming DS game launches, (PSP as well if you got them)? I would like to see what each system has to look forward to in that respect.
i played and still playe : ridge racers
and since yesterday Luminus.

i must say i 'm quite pleasantly surprised bout Luminus ! specialy the music .
it's really cool game
jvd said:
Half of the games for the psp at launch will be on the ds by the time it comes here in march (usa )

are you kidding me? the PSP launch titles are more interesting than the DS. only about 1 or 2 DS titles were worth owning. and only about 1 or 2 have come out in the last 2 months. im thinking about trading in my DS for a PSP.

also what does it matter which PSP games will be on the DS by the time PSP comes out? for one thing the PSP versions will look a ton better. and unless the DS version offers some very unique gameplay with the stylus the PSP version will prolly play better. im not trying to bash the DS but it hasnt proven to me that it was worth a purchase outside of Mario DS.
also what does it matter which PSP games will be on the DS by the time PSP comes out? for one thing the PSP versions will look a ton better. and unless the DS version offers some very unique gameplay with the stylus the PSP version will prolly play better. im not trying to bash the DS but it hasnt proven to me that it was worth a purchase outside of Mario DS.

It mattes alot , esp for car rides and other trips . As i can play them much longer on my ds than i can on my psp .

Both of which i own now .
jvd said:
also what does it matter which PSP games will be on the DS by the time PSP comes out? for one thing the PSP versions will look a ton better. and unless the DS version offers some very unique gameplay with the stylus the PSP version will prolly play better. im not trying to bash the DS but it hasnt proven to me that it was worth a purchase outside of Mario DS.

It mattes alot , esp for car rides and other trips . As i can play them much longer on my ds than i can on my psp .

Both of which i own now .

Considering how much different due to PSP´s much greater capabilities, getting a Dinasty Warriors game on DS is like getting an hypothetical N64 version versus an enhanced DC version.

Not the same in the least, but hey, it´s not like someone would expect something else from you. :)
Considering how much different due to PSP´s much greater capabilities, getting a Dinasty Warriors game on DS is like getting an hypothetical N64 version versus an enhanced DC version.

Not the same in the least, but hey, it´s not like someone would expect something else from you.

of course not . God forbid someone values game play over graphics .

There is no reason why the gameplay would be better on a psp than on a ds . None at all .

As long as the game play is the same i'd perfer to play the game on the system that lasts the longest . When i go to flordia in march (driving ) i will be bringing my ds . As it will last alot longer on the road than my psp will .

Same reason why i will be bringing my laptop which has an 9200 video card instead of my fathers dell with the 9800pro . Because while one will have worse graphics its battery will last much longer .
jvd said:
of course not . God forbid someone values game play over graphics .

There is no reason why the gameplay would be better on a psp than on a ds . None at all .

As long as the game play is the same i'd perfer to play the game on the system that lasts the longest .

When the gameplay mechanics are the same, the best experience is provided by the one with superior graphics. That´s the better version. Of course, if you prefer to invest in a really inferior version for the sake of longer play time, instead of investing in a PSP battery, that´s your prerrogative, really.

Of course, if developers include a function that uses the touchscreen in a new way, then that would change the situation quite a bit. But let´s be realistic here, what are the chances of that happening?
Graphics aren't everything. The touch screen alone can make so many kinds of games better on DS then they can possibly be on PSP.
Of course, if developers include a function that uses the touchscreen in a new way, then that would change the situation quite a bit. But let´s be realistic here, what are the chances of that happening?

Your talking about this as if the only way to use the touch screen effectively is with some revolutionary unimaginable idea that will never be thought up. Its hardly rocket science to find applications for the touch screen that will make a DS version of a game worth owning ahead of the PSP version. If you had the option of Warcraft on DS or PSP which would you choose? Same goes for a good FPS game, or a puzzle game. Or any kind of sim game. Or sports games with tactics which are controllable in game ect. There are many obvious application for the touch screen which developers will use to set DS's version of a game appart from the PSP version, for the better. Some of them have already been done to some extent in DS launch titles.
Teasy said:
Graphics aren't everything. The touch screen alone can make so many kinds of games better on DS then they can possibly be on PSP.

Damn, prove it, Nintendo.

That is the only real problem of the DS.
Teasy said:
Your talking about this as if the only way to use the touch screen effectively is with some revolutionary unimaginable idea that will never be thought up. Its hardly rocket science to find applications for the touch screen that will make a DS version of a game worth owning ahead of the PSP version. If you had the option of Warcraft on DS or PSP which would you choose? Same goes for a good FPS game, or a puzzle game. Or any kind of sim game. Or sports games with tactics which are controllable in game ect. There are many obvious application for the touch screen which developers will use to set DS's version of a game appart from the PSP version, for the better. Some of them have already been done to some extent in DS launch titles.

There´s concept, and there´s execution. Getting Warcraft on DS would be nice, but in practice it´d look like crap or reduced to 2D animation and I´m not sure I´d like to get such a mangled port.

About FPS, given today´s standard for them, I doubt a DS version with its limited capabilities would be able to do much better than a goldeneye type of game. AI, animation and physics would be severely downgraded to fit the device.

Sims and puzzles would actually be a good idea though, I wonder why we haven´t seen more actual puzzle games for DS.
When the gameplay mechanics are the same, the best experience is provided by the one with superior graphics. That´s the better version. Of course, if you prefer to invest in a really inferior version for the sake of longer play time, instead of investing in a PSP battery, that´s your prerrogative, really.

I would agree with you if it was a home system. I would allways take the better graphics with the same gameplay than the uglier graphics with the same gameplay

But this is a portable hand held . A system which i will be traveling with and a finite charge on it in which i can enjoy the games and i'd much rather have the longer battery life with the game play being equal then some what better graphics .

Going down to florida i will have about 8 hours of wifi play with my 2 other friends in the car (other friend will be driving since he is the bastard that is afraid to drive haha ) .
jvd said:
I would agree with you if it was a home system. I would allways take the better graphics with the same gameplay than the uglier graphics with the same gameplay

But this is a portable hand held . A system which i will be traveling with and a finite charge on it in which i can enjoy the games and i'd much rather have the longer battery life with the game play being equal then some what better graphics .

Get a new battery...problem solved. The charger should fit in your car, and it´s not like DS lasts that much longer. But as I said, if you like inferior products as long as they don´t have anything to do with Sony, then that´s your right.