Learnings. Learnings
Anyway this problem should fade away relatively quick. I think case is closed here: developer misuse, API is going to be changed to be made more intuitive.
Is there something Encyclopedia Brown does when a case is solved?
Although Sony is updating the SDK to make AF easier... it seems the problem was more Dev specific, or just the handful of Dev's that might have just overlooked AF in general.
Iherre at GAF
No, it is not that complicated.
I really don't know where the issue comes from to be honest (since you can use AF) but I think Sony knows about the "problem" and maybe they reacted to show devs how to "fix it" or to clarify if it is some misunderstanding about the process.
I don't think that was the problem (discussing it). It becomes a problem when people start turning assumptions/opinions into claims of being facts (FUD). Not saying that ever happens here...