EIC of Beyond3D takes the vows today

The Baron said:
Killer-Kris said:
Congratulations to the both of you, and don't worry about rushing back to work here. I think that you've earned yourself a nice long break. Have Fun!
unless Series 5 is about to come out, in which case get the hell back here. :)

Nah, Reverend can handle it :)
Congrats, Dave!

Both you and Anand in the span of mere weeks. I guess you both consulted the same NDA schedule? ;)
Congratulations, Dave! I wish you and Neva health and happiness for a long, long time.

Enjoy the time off, you definitely scheduled it right as far as this week's NDA is concerned :LOL:

Here is a belated congratulations for Dave and Neva. Good luck in all your endeavors together.

It is kind of not feeling right though. The most I've ever seen of Dave is the back of his head in some picture at the Inq. (err I think.) Anyhow looks like Dave is obliged to produce some pics of the event sos we can see just whom it is we are actually praising. 8)

If no?. cheers anyhow Dave.
May peace, love, happiness, and blessings reign over your marriage, Dave.

If not that, at least may Neva reign over your marriage. ;) :p