Education beyond C++?


Hi all,

I'm trying to learn how to write games. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about programming, but I'm trying to learn. I'm taking two C++ programming classes at a community college. I just finished a C class. My question is this: What do I take after that?

I asked my instructor and he suggested MFC, but I'm not sure if that's what I'm looking for. From my reading, it looks like I need to get into DirectX, OpenGL, and the like, but how to I get there from a basic knowledge of C++? I'm looking for comments on courses I should look for, good books for people with basic knowledge of C++ trying to move into graphics, etc.

You have to learn alot more if you want to do 3D. Particularly, you should take a course in linear algebra and discrete mathematics, also Algorithmic Analysis and Data Structures courses are good. Then take a course in computer graphics, which will teach you the basics of 2D and 3D rendering in software. Once you understand how it works mathematically, understanding how OpenGL + HW works is alot simpler.
It would be nice if you also can take some Software Engineering courses/classes/books. They will help you a lot when writing some piece of software. Especially for larger programs it is good to have the knowledge how to "tame" complexity.

oh, btw, forget about MFC

and, practice, practice,practice,practice, :!:
Thanks for the comments. What would a course in computer graphics be called? I'm not seeing any in the college catalogs.