Ecstasy 'reverses' Parkinson's disease

london-boy said:
Uhm... No.

Desperate heroin users can kill for a dose, but so-called "recreational drugs" such as ones used in clubs really have little to do with the freaks roaming the streets asking for change, robbing and sometimes killing people.
XTC or cocaine users, mainly clubbers and party-animals in general, have money to pay for getting into the clubs, and to pay for the drugs. And when they don't, their mates do.
Drugs are all bad, but it's good to differentiate differnt kinds of drugs, contexts and users.
As I said, many users, not everyone. And yes obviously it depends on what kind of drugs we are talking about. The important aspect to stress is that drugs like heroin, cocain/crack and amphetimines are addictive and expensive substances that most users have started on when they are relatively young (25 is typically the mean age of users) and not equipped to afford in the long run. A drug such as cocain may be less circumspect when it comes to this, but on the other hand it for example also causes elevated levels of agression (significantly more than alcohol can) in the user and can therefore also be potentially dangerous to others in this aspect as well. Drug users can easily cause harm to their surroundings for a number of reasons and it's not just a case of them only hurting themselves.
bloodbob said:
They used to put the stuff in cough medicine for gods sakes...

Yes, but absolutely clean, while what you buy in the streets has loads of junk (chemical waste, to say so) in it. Also, the amount of the agent in the cough medicine was just a fraction of what a usual fix contains.

They also used to put cocaine into Coke in the beginning, remember?

i know that for example ex-Yugoslav Army had so called "tank pills", prolly based on amphetamines, which they used during the war and wich allowed for tank crews to be awake for up to 72 hours, without hunger and fully concentrated.
after 72 hours they would swap new crew and send old one to rest....
bloodbob said:
Like how many other drugs give you cotton mouth HEAPS. Its far from limited to amphetamines its far from limited to even stimulants.
Google 'meth mouth'.

Quite frankly, the only people I've ever seen defend meth are users.
silence said:

i know that for example ex-Yugoslav Army had so called "tank pills", prolly based on amphetamines, which they used during the war and wich allowed for tank crews to be awake for up to 72 hours, without hunger and fully concentrated.
after 72 hours they would swap new crew and send old one to rest....

Now now.... that's stretching it.
london-boy said:
Now now.... that's stretching it.

heh.... well, thats what i heard, i never tried those pills. but if they are amphetamine _ONLY_ i doubt it.

OTOH, that doesnt change fact they were used is a way i described..... my guess is that military doesnt need speed junkies inside tanks, so i guess its little bit more sophisticated then pure speed...
silence said:
heh.... well, thats what i heard, i never tried those pills. but if they are amphetamine _ONLY_ i doubt it.

OTOH, that doesnt change fact they were used is a way i described..... my guess is that military doesnt need speed junkies inside tanks, so i guess its little bit more sophisticated then pure speed...

Oh i'm not doubting that they were awake for days on end, but it's far from being nice and wide awake ready to play who-got-the-quickest-reflexes if you know what i mean.
Armies around the world have pumped troops full of amphetamines to keep them going, and still do so today. Drugs are bad, unless they are used by the government to help soldiers stay alert so they can kill...
The experimental medical use of amphetamines began in the 1920s. It was introduced in most of the world in the form of the pharmaceutical Benzedrine in the late 1920s. First marketed in 1932 by the U.S. Army Air Corps in Britain during World War II. - Wikipedia
Fighter pilots are routinely prescribed dangerous amphetamines for long-distance overseas flights, and there are no plans to research alternative methods of handing the problems of sleep deprivation on solo missions, according to a spokeswoman for the U.S. Air Force. “These pilots have to fly alone for up to 36 hours,” Donna Ragan of the Office of the Air Force Surgeon General said. “In some cases, amphetamines are the only way they can stay awake. There are no plans to change this policy.”

The startling admission comes soon after the passing of the “Drug-Free Workplace” amendment for fiscal year 1989, which calls for all federal agencies and all government contractors to have a written policy which forbids the use of certain drugs, including amphetamines. If they refuse, they risk losing their job. - source
According to figures from the Defence Medical Supplies Agency, which provides medical products "to sustain UK military capability", the MoD has been buying the drug since 1998 at prices at least 10% lower than those charged to the NHS.

The figures, which were released to the Guardian under the open government code, show that purchases peaked with an order for more than 5,000 pills in 2001, the year allied forces entered Afghanistan. The next largest order - for more than 4,000 pills - was delivered in 2002, the year before troops entered Iraq. In total, the ministry has spent more than Ă‚ÂŁ43,000 on the drugs.

Provigil, which is sold by the Pennsylvania-based company Cephalon, is licensed in Britain to treat tiredness associated with the rare sleeping disorders narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnoea. In April, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency decided to allow Provigil to be used to treat "shift work sleep disorder", where people suffer extreme sleepiness because of the odd hours they work. - Guardian
zifnab, it make damage short term memory and attention span but it has no long term negative effects on IQ.

The light users in that article still smoke more than I do, so I am hardly worried. I would also put money on it that my memory is still far better than the avg persons.
I wouldnt have kicked arse in a trivia night not long ago if my memory was supposedly so shot to shit.
Personally I have not had any problems with my memory or attention span(except when high of course and even then its fairly limited.)
Blitzkrieg said:
zifnab, it make damage short term memory and attention span but it has no long term negative effects on IQ.

The light users in that article still smoke more than I do, so I am hardly worried. I would also put money on it that my memory is still far better than the avg persons.
I wouldnt have kicked arse in a trivia night not long ago if my memory was supposedly so shot to shit.
Personally I have not had any problems with my memory or attention span(except when high of course and even then its fairly limited.)

IQ is a not an accurate measure of intelligence but unfortunately the media and a minority of people in the scientific community still refer to it as such. IQ measurements can at best give you an indicator of analytical thinking abilities, but intelligence encompasses much more than that. I agree that marijuana likely has limited effects in the IQ respect, but then as you mention, it affects short term memory and attention span, which I would say are a vital part of intelligence.

Here's something else you might want to be aware of (taken from Nature, Jan. 2004 -

Dependence on marijuana is increasingly gaining recognition as a clinically significant phenomenon. Marijuana smokers are seeking treatment, particularly when marijuana-specific treatment programs are offered (Roffman et al, 1988; Stephens et al, 1993), and demand for treatment is on the rise (SAMHSA, 1999). Treatment-seekers report substantial distress about their marijuana use, but they repeatedly fail in their attempts to quit. Failure to quit is borne out by clinical studies, demonstrating that marijuana users have high rates of relapse comparable to those found for other drugs of abuse (Copeland et al, 2001; Stephens et al, 1994, 2000)....Thus, marijuana dependence appears to be as difficult to treat as other drug dependencies.

By the way, I'm not saying you've incurred any damage to yourself from what you've done, but unfortunately marijuana seems to have gotten a reputation for being an all thrills drug that has no strings attached and I'm just saying that I would take these effects into consideration if I were you, as they will eventually come into affect with continued use.
_xxx_ said:
Yes, but absolutely clean, while what you buy in the streets has loads of junk (chemical waste, to say so) in it. Also, the amount of the agent in the cough medicine was just a fraction of what a usual fix contains.
Yes so whats that go to do with the meth or heroin or whatever itself. If anything this is a strong argument for the legalistaion of drugs so this isn't a problem.

RussSchultz said:
Google 'meth mouth'.
Quite frankly, the only people I've ever seen defend meth are users.
The proper medical term is xerostomia some other drugs that can cause it are
most anti-histamines.
most Anti-nausantis.
some blood pressure medicine e.g. clonidine or methyldopa
many antidepressants
most anti-pyscotics
The caffeine, pseudohephedrine , alchohol, that I've been taking the past 20 year hasn't rotted my teeth out.

So, are you a meth user?
No I'm not a meth users.

I personally rather doubt caffiene ( rather poor stimulant at common doses ) or alcohol ( I believe its action is simply dehydration ) have a great effect in themselves though if you start taking drugs with an anti-cholingeric effects you'll certainly notice cotton mouth. ( the diuriects in general wouldn't have a major effect either )

Now xerostomia won't cause what you call meth mouth directly neither dose meth. It just makes you significantly more suspectable to the problems you assiocate with meth mouth.

There are many preventive measures against these further problems such as improvement general oral hygine. Though what you associate with meth users is a junk and a junky is unlikely to to maintain a normal level of oral hygine let alone anything better regardless of what the cause is( such as say an underling disease ).
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I refuse to seriously enter a quagmire such as this (yet again), but I do want to step in and show my peoples some support. It's a quagmire, because there will always be that type of person who doesn't think they have to try something, learn about something, or even witness the effects of something before they feel qualified to talk about it. The people are what we know as book people, and i certainly don't mean to imply that they read books. In fact, these are the same types of people on petitions to ban books, or to ban video games, or to ban just well ANYTHING convenient -- even though they have not tried them themselves. Im glad you guys all know a junkie who can scare you away from the occasional pot toke, but... please, just never go into lawmaking, ok? because you don't understand the true meaing of democracy at all.

Of course there are two major categories of illicit drugs that should probably be addressed -- but never will be -- one causes physical dependence, and the other does not. On the latter side, you have Marijuana and LSD, and MDMA if it is pure (but most XTC is cut with speed or coke), and on the other side you have, well, everything else, basically, including alcohol. It's a shame that the ones that shoud be legalized first, won't be. Surely most drugs aren't great for your body and sanity, but what we see is a large amount of brainwashing by our governments, regarding which drugs are ok because they've been grandfathered in and earn lots of tax dollars, and which drugs are not ok because it is still trendy to tell us how we can eat, drink, and fuck.

Finally, I don't mean to cop out by the second paragraph. Even physically addictive drugs are quite awesome in moderation and for every carefully cobbled together pic you can provide of some pitiable crack whore, the kind of person you wouldn't even care about if you had to step over her in the street, you judgmental pricks, yet find convenient to trot out when it's convenient, i can show you a thousand pictures of happy ids who messed around, came up with new ways to think about their world, and moved on to better things than sitting around on the PC, addicted to MMORPGs, pounding coffee and evangelizing. Peace ;)
good post and i agree with you. as long as we have alchohol as legal there is no justification to treat any other drug illegal.... alchoholics are far more dangerous then people that do recreational drugs or smoke pot.... but alchohol is part of society and culture, heck, they even call average american "Joe Sixpack".....
silence said:
good post and i agree with you. as long as we have alchohol as legal there is no justification to treat any other drug illegal.... alchoholics are far more dangerous then people that do recreational drugs or smoke pot.... but alchohol is part of society and culture, heck, they even call average american "Joe Sixpack".....
Hashish and MJ have been a part of societies around the world for 6 thousand years or so has opium but not gonna start suggesting opium should be legallised since it can be highly physically addictive. In australia I believe the percent of people who have smoked pot in the last 12 months and are over 14 years of age is something along the lines of 13%. ( I am not part of that 13% )

According to the US government and I'd suggest many other governments we ( as in the conservative western societies ) live in a liberal democracy where we have minority rights. Clearly 13% is a fairly significant minority shouldn't this minority be granted the right to with a joint and a 6 pack on the weekend?
bloodbob said:
Hashish and MJ have been a part of societies around the world for 6 thousand years

yap, but not "right" ones. as for opium.... its been around ,but....
The Opium War, also called the Anglo-Chinese War, was the most humiliating defeat China ever suffered. In European history, it is perhaps the most sordid, base, and vicious event in European history, possibly, just possibly, overshadowed by the excesses of the Third Reich in the twentieth century.

By the 1830's, the English had become the major drug-trafficking criminal organization in the world; very few drug cartels of the twentieth century can even touch the England of the early nineteenth century in sheer size of criminality. Growing opium in India, the East India Company shipped tons of opium into Canton which it traded for Chinese manufactured goods and for tea. This trade had produced, quite literally, a country filled with drug addicts, as opium parlors proliferated all throughout China in the early part of the nineteenth century. This trafficing, it should be stressed, was a criminal activity after 1836, but the British traders generously bribed Canton officials in order to keep the opium traffic flowing. The effects on Chinese society were devestating. In fact, there are few periods in Chinese history that approach the early nineteenth century in terms of pure human misery and tragedy. In an effort to stem the tragedy, the imperial government made opium illegal in 1836 and began to aggressively close down the opium dens.

interesting read, isnt it....