Early Turkey Day Felicitations


Mostly Harmless
Off to Pennsylvania in the morning, 1,000 miles each way by car. Oddly enuf, I'll prolly have less internet there in the little burg where I grew up than we had in Iceland (tho not less than northern Scotland!).

So, in case I'm shut out completely on internet joy, I take this opportunity to wish such of you who celebrate the family holiday this Thursday (however you feel about the historical connotations), a happy one.

Just remember two things --

1). Remind yourself that you love these people and that's why you're there. About every 20 minutes. :LOL:
2). Remember the age-old wisdom, as you listen to or engage in the same old arguments that you've been having for 20 years or more, that the reason family can push your buttons so well is that they are the very folks who installed them in the first place. :p

Worst case, see y'all next Monday. Ciao.
I hate T-day, I'm always too burned out on the family by the time it rolls around to enjoy it.

My kids don't have a solid week of school the whole month of November, half-weeks with lots of in-service half-days....so I'm just too stressed by the time T-day rolls around to enjoy it. :(

On a happy note my wife has a four day weekend, our first Thanksgiving together in a number of years so I'm almost looking forward to it...

Hope y'all have a happy one and good things happen, I'm just gonna try and survive mine.
Have a good time, geo.

And, watch out for Dracula, down there in Pennsylvania. ;)

Digi, I have a solution for you, just lock your kids in the basement, without any light, and throw freezing cold water on them from time to time.
Do that a few hour a day, for a week or so, and they should turn into really nice and calm little fellows.

Of course, they could also turn, in a few years, into traumatized psycho killers, but why thinking about tomorrow, when you can enjoy a cool thanksgiving today? Carpe diem, they say.
Vysez said:
Have a good time, geo.

And, watch out for Dracula, down there in Pennsylvania. ;)

Digi, I have a solution for you, just lock your kids in the basement, without any light, and throw freezing cold water on them from time to time.
Do that a few hour a day, for a week or so, and they should turn into really nice and calm little fellows.

Of course, they could also turn, in a few years, into traumatized psycho killers, but why thinking about tomorrow, when you can enjoy a cool thanksgiving today? Carpe diem, they say.

And carpe the turkey too, before it runs away :)
I wonder if there's a word in Latin for "turkey" nowadays...