McFly said:But what will be the big secret that nobody knows about? Any ideas?
london-boy said:why? is there supposed to be a secret unveiled?
Don't call it a sequel! - it hurtsthat we will see a new ICO sequel (or prequel) ...
marconelly! said:Don't call it a sequel! - it hurtsthat we will see a new ICO sequel (or prequel) ...
I hope it ends up being a game that basically has nothing to do with Ico's story or characters. Basically, a completly separate game that is perhaps located in the same world. Next in the series, if you wish, but not a sequel in a true sense of the word
McFly said:Big news just came in: There are two more VU's in the PS2, 32MB more memory and a second bus. Insiders think that they will be able to make any X-Box game look like crap with this big secret in the PS2 CPU.
Just joking.
Nick Laslett said:You may be joking, but VU0 sees very little action in most games.
Phil said:I think Jak II is already one of those games. The video pretty much blew me away from what I was expecting....
Phil said:yep... especially the scene where jak jumps over these platforms and they fall apart in the most realistic way...
and then the particles of the guns and all the objects on screen. IMHO the most impressive thing I've seen thus far on the PS2...
Grall said:I'd like to see Sony announcing they're releasing their harddrive kit in the US/Eur (and Aus/Nz, for those poor chaps over there, hehe). Don't want to have to buy the goddamn linux kit for a gazillion € to get my grubby mitts on that one.
london-boy said:don't see the HDD released in Europe. might get released in the US, but EVERYONE is saying it will n0ot be released in Europe. same for Final Fantasy 11.
Grall said:london-boy said:don't see the HDD released in Europe. might get released in the US, but EVERYONE is saying it will n0ot be released in Europe. same for Final Fantasy 11.
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