E3 Sony conference ... tomorrow!


What will be the big thing we know after tomorrow?

Ok, we already know that GT4 will be huge, that EA will only make online games for the PS2, that we will see a new ICO sequel (or prequel) ...

But what will be the big secret that nobody knows about? Any ideas? :D

london-boy said:
why? is there supposed to be a secret unveiled?

But I want a secret! :D

No seriously, it would be the best time to release a big secret to get every fanboy to the Sony area. ;)

(Damn, I just can't be serious this day)

that we will see a new ICO sequel (or prequel) ...
Don't call it a sequel! - it hurts :LOL:

I hope it ends up being a game that basically has nothing to do with Ico's story or characters. Basically, a completly separate game that is perhaps located in the same world. Next in the series, if you wish, but not a sequel in a true sense of the word :)
Microsoft is to hold its press meeting today (Monday) and Sony/Nin tomorrow....

what surprises do you guys expect from the trioka!?
marconelly! said:
that we will see a new ICO sequel (or prequel) ...
Don't call it a sequel! - it hurts :LOL:

I hope it ends up being a game that basically has nothing to do with Ico's story or characters. Basically, a completly separate game that is perhaps located in the same world. Next in the series, if you wish, but not a sequel in a true sense of the word :)

er..... like the final fantasy franchise? i mean, it's not a bad thing in my opinion, but it might be in someone else's mind... COUGH*JVD*COUGH :LOL: j/k...

anyway, why do Sony need a big secret thing to get everyone on board? everyone is ALREADY on board :LOL:

all they need to do from now until the release of PS3 is keeping a steady flow of AAA games like GT4, the next MGS, the next ICO thing etc... no secrets, no show-offs, no BOOMs, no OOOPS...
Big news just came in: There are two more VU's in the PS2, 32MB more memory and a second bus. Insiders think that they will be able to make any X-Box game look like crap with this big secret in the PS2 CPU.

Just joking. ;)

McFly said:
Big news just came in: There are two more VU's in the PS2, 32MB more memory and a second bus. Insiders think that they will be able to make any X-Box game look like crap with this big secret in the PS2 CPU.
Just joking. ;)


You may be joking, but VU0 sees very little action in most games. This could be your hidden processor! J&D1 only uses 50% of the system power with 80% optimisation across processors according to the Performance Analyser. If the PS2 is capable of a performance jump similar to the PSone (Tekken 2 30% system utilisation, Gran Turismo 70%). Then the improvements could be quite impressive.
Nick Laslett said:
You may be joking, but VU0 sees very little action in most games.

That was the main reason for the "joke". I expect one or two games that will really show what the PS2 can do. Maybe the game will be GT4, but as GT4 uses a lot for physics, I think there will be some other game that is the new gfx king (and the secret game I'm guessing).

I think Jak II is already one of those games. The video pretty much blew me away from what I was expecting....
yep... especially the scene where jak jumps over these platforms and they fall apart in the most realistic way...

and then the particles of the guns and all the objects on screen. IMHO the most impressive thing I've seen thus far on the PS2...
Phil said:
yep... especially the scene where jak jumps over these platforms and they fall apart in the most realistic way...

and then the particles of the guns and all the objects on screen. IMHO the most impressive thing I've seen thus far on the PS2...

yeah i remember that, i thought so too, the way they break down is just beautiful....

thing is, now that all this next gen talk is flying around i'm just so eager to see what can be done on ps3.... i mean, JAK2 is pretty amazing for a piefe of hardware that came out 3 flipping years ago.......... i cant imagine what next gen will look like...
I'd like to see Sony announcing they're releasing their harddrive kit in the US/Eur (and Aus/Nz, for those poor chaps over there, hehe). Don't want to have to buy the goddamn linux kit for a gazillion € to get my grubby mitts on that one.

Grall said:
I'd like to see Sony announcing they're releasing their harddrive kit in the US/Eur (and Aus/Nz, for those poor chaps over there, hehe). Don't want to have to buy the goddamn linux kit for a gazillion € to get my grubby mitts on that one.


don't see the HDD released in Europe. might get released in the US, but EVERYONE is saying it will n0ot be released in Europe. same for Final Fantasy 11.
Anyone going to E3???

Is Max Payne 2 going to be released only for PC or other consoles?? Ideally it is suited for PS2...ideal game!
Er, latest news in all the print mags and stuff is that FF XI will come bundled with the HD, and will require a seperate NA purchase. $100 for FF XI ($50 for game, $50 for HD), plus $50 for the NA.. GEE, think I'll get it on PC thx heh.
london-boy said:
don't see the HDD released in Europe. might get released in the US, but EVERYONE is saying it will n0ot be released in Europe. same for Final Fantasy 11.

One word in response:


Grall said:
london-boy said:
don't see the HDD released in Europe. might get released in the US, but EVERYONE is saying it will n0ot be released in Europe. same for Final Fantasy 11.

One word in response:



well, every single Magazine in the UK is adamant that the HDD will not be released here. come on, i know i sound like a broken record, but is it so hard to believe that european gamers got it up their little a**es once again. i mean, come on the network adapter still hasn't been released. and they know that we won't fork out 100 quid for something that allows u to play only Final Fantasy 11 (which by the way is NOT coming out here, at least not before ps3 comes out :LOL: )... to be honest i dont really care, i aint gonna buy one even if it does get released... not even gonna get a net adapter for that matters... for me the online generation will be the NEXT generation, if even that.