x360 is an economic decision by MS to make a financially competitive console with as many features as could er... "squeezed" into their development budget and timeframe. their choice CPU shows economy, their GPU is very advanced but only because it had to be futureproof for less and teh choice of DVD was an economical one. DVD drives are cheap.
Since MS DOESNT have a vested interest in any format, and there is no sure winner in the HD media format wars yet (though BR looks to win at this time), AND time was of the essence they chose DVD. Its certainly not a better choice than BR or even HD DVD (who wouldnt want a HD disc player in their system???) but it was better for MS at the time, and still has a ways to go before it becomes inefficient/ineffective as a storage medium.
I personally see the small harddrive as a worse oversight... 60 and 80 gig drives should not really cost that much more than MS current 20.. The small size and not including an HDD as part of the minimum spec has much much worse implications.
Since MS DOESNT have a vested interest in any format, and there is no sure winner in the HD media format wars yet (though BR looks to win at this time), AND time was of the essence they chose DVD. Its certainly not a better choice than BR or even HD DVD (who wouldnt want a HD disc player in their system???) but it was better for MS at the time, and still has a ways to go before it becomes inefficient/ineffective as a storage medium.
I personally see the small harddrive as a worse oversight... 60 and 80 gig drives should not really cost that much more than MS current 20.. The small size and not including an HDD as part of the minimum spec has much much worse implications.