DVD-copying firm sued by Warners

This is not a really good argument... when you buy a book, do you copy it and read the copy?

1 reason I NEVER buy books (unless they are for school) is because they can easily be destoryed and you have no backup. Take a look at my school books after a month, you WILL agree with my POV.

It's about alternative way of using the media.

This part I couldn't care less about. I listen to music on my PC and that's it. Put the cd in the drive, rip it to my drive and listen to it while keeping the CD safe.
1 reason I NEVER buy books (unless they are for school) is because they can easily be destoryed and you have no backup. Take a look at my school books after a month, you WILL agree with my POV.

wow, what i call an intellectual... (KIDDING!! :D )

This part I couldn't care less about. I listen to music on my PC and that's it. Put the cd in the drive, rip it to my drive and listen to it while keeping the CD safe.

I agree on the "personal back up" argument, however i find it easy to understand that manufacturers and distributors might wish to compromise. That is, in order to avoid piracy, personal backups are no longer possible. It all depends on what priorities one has.
Personally the fact that something I make can be copied and experienced by everyone for free would make me a bit angry. However, it all depends on the artist's decision. One artist might want to let his art be experienced for free by everyone, one other might want to get paid by everyone reading/listening/looking at his work.
Since I am an intellectual, I'm not going to respond to your childish comment. :)
You want a flame war, do it through PMs, please don't rubbish the Beyond3D boards.

Thank you for your cooperation London-boy.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Since I am an intellectual, I'm not going to respond to your childish comment. :)
You want a flame war, do it through PMs, please don't rubbish the Beyond3D boards.

Thank you for your cooperation London-boy.

Edited as per our conversation, I was only joking mate...
K.I.L.E.R said:
Since I am an intellectual, I'm not going to respond to your childish comment. :)
You want a flame war, do it through PMs, please don't rubbish the Beyond3D boards.

Thank you for your cooperation London-boy.

To be fair, you're hardly blameless here since you have a habit of posting things that make people fall off their chairs in stupefying disbelief. ;)


Never had a book "destroyed". Never had a CD, DVD or game stop working at any point. Maybe I've just been fortunate. Have to admit I'm a bit surprised at how many of you back up your media and never use the originals; I would have thought life was too short to be bothered with all that. Maybe I'd think differently if I lost a favourite DVD to damage.

I can hardly blame Warners for this action. In the current climate, where casual copying of copyrighted material via emule etc is seen as almost a consumer right, I would guess they're paranoid about any device that could add to the wealth of pirated goods out there.

EDITED: Make sure KILER doesn't get offended. ;)
To be fair, you're hardly blameless here since you have a habit of posting things that make people fall off their chairs in stupefying disbelief.

Difference is that those posts aren't flames. :p

How can life be too short? Life is too long, I wish I could make life short. Why wish when you can get drunk everyday, smoke and get AIDS and then you'll probably decrease your life expectancy by 50 years. :LOL:

Maybe I'd think differently if I lost a favourite DVD to damage.

Yes you will think differently then. :)

EDITED: Make sure KILER doesn't get offended.
Also make sure to not block Beyond3D's adds else I will get offended by that too. :p :)
C'mon guys, let's help Dave out a bit eh?
Never had a book "destroyed". Never had a CD, DVD or game stop working at any point. Maybe I've just been fortunate. Have to admit I'm a bit surprised at how many of you back up your media and never use the originals; I would have thought life was too short to be bothered with all that. Maybe I'd think differently if I lost a favourite DVD to damage
Wait 'til a young child spots the CD/DVD collection - those shiny disks are fascinating. :devilish:
Simon F said:
Wait till a young child spots the CD/DVD collection - those shiny disks are fascinating.

I know!! I still spend ages just looking at the pretty colours! and i just found out that DVDs have a golden-y colour, whereas CDs are silver... The difference is quite hard to see...

errmmmm we were talking about...
Simon F said:
Wait 'til a young child spots the CD/DVD collection - those shiny disks are fascinating. :devilish:

Ah yes. Good point. My house and young children have never combined as of yet. A kind of anti-Neverland.
london-boy said:
Simon F said:
Wait till a young child spots the CD/DVD collection - those shiny disks are fascinating.

I know!! I still spend ages just looking at the pretty colours! and i just found out that DVDs have a golden-y colour, whereas CDs are silver... The difference is quite hard to see...

errmmmm we were talking about...

CDs used to have a gold coat (some still do) but the reason they got rid of the gold coat was to drop prices in CDs as the demand for cheaper CDs increased. I read this on last 2 months PC user or something.
DVDs would have a gold coat to protect the data layer.
Lets see, I had flight simulator 2000 CD crack in the center while pulling it out of the MS Jewel case, hmmm intentionally tight? Damn no back up either. Called up Microsoft and got a replacement for $20!! Plus a week wait (now that was real speedy). So that game cost me much more then I thought. Not only that but I had to keep the orginal useless disc to use the sent MS disk to be legal and by agreement on the new disks :(.

Had a couple of DVD's and Cd's destroyed by some kittens, for some reason they became a good claw sharperner or something. Damn no backups there either.

How about people who have there home destroyed by fire or flood, this can get very costly to replace your treasure chest of CD's, DVD's, Software and what not, in the many of thousands of dollars. Once again an option to backup to keep the originals in a more secure place would be very wise in many ways.

In the end I think it is somewhat unreasonable on the manufacturer/creator/seller to go overboard on copy protection for the people buying their products legitimately and safe guarding their investment. While those who really want to copy illegally defeats every copy scheme ever devised anyways. So it is the legit customer that pays the price for all this senseless copy protection methods devised. Go after the people doing what is really wrong and not after the people who are keeping you in business.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Since I am an intellectual, I'm not going to respond to your childish comment. :)
You want a flame war, do it through PMs, please don't rubbish the Beyond3D boards.

Thank you for your cooperation London-boy.

Granted I did not see the comment but what the hell? You getting sensitive? And I think there might be a good argument against the "intellectual" part.
ByteMe said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
Since I am an intellectual, I'm not going to respond to your childish comment. :)
You want a flame war, do it through PMs, please don't rubbish the Beyond3D boards.

Thank you for your cooperation London-boy.

Granted I did not see the comment but what the hell? You getting sensitive? And I think there might be a good argument against the "intellectual" part.

I'm about as intellectual as horse sheet. :LOL:
It's the part about:
The first thing to bear in mind is that the Console Forum here is an aberration. It is not what the site is focused and, in all honesty, I wouldn't really care if it existed or not - it would certainly cut down the number of PM's I get winging about it!

The only reason the Console Forum exists at all is because during the period of the Xbox announcement and development we, naturally, got a number of people talking about NV2A in the 3D Tech Forum, which gradually spanned other console hardware and eventually games. The console forum is there basically to divert those types of discussions away from the 3D tech & PC forums. In reality they are not a part of this site - we provide the forum because we recognise that a number of our frequent posters also wished to discuss Console hardware and games.

That was the historical reasons for the forum existing, and as the site has been up there have been people that have migrated to that forum directly without much understanding what "Beyond3D" is really about and certainly have no historical understanding of why the forum exists. And they don't necessarily treat it with the same level of respect that I would expect from the rest of B3D users.

Now, while undoubtedly there are some bad eggs in there, but generally I look at that as an effect, not necessarily the cause. We all enjoy picking up on rumours, talk and hype, but some in there appear to be taking it to extremes - the point were many of the serious posters have just giving up going there because there very little point in having a rational discussion.

WRT to "chap" it's not a simple case of banning a dial up user, since you'd also have to block everyone else on the IP subnet, which is not desirable. I've not had to put in blocks on Yahoo and Hotmail accounts in order to stop reregistering under different free mail accounts - this is not something I wished to do since we have many a registered user with Hotmal or Yahoo addresses and they don't feel the need to abuse the forums, and I may now be stopping other new member joining that could also abide by the conduct we prefer here.

Consider the locking of the Console forum as a cooling off period. I'm not sure how long it will last - it might be a few hours or it might be a month. If the types of issues we appear to be getting now continue when its re-opened then I may choose to remove it entirely. This is a warning to all users of the Console forum.

Read it, read it once more and read it again and you will understand what I'm getting at. :)
I'm posting this in the 10 page thread in the feedback forum about this, I don't want to throw this thread OT.
Theres no point whatsoever anyway.

The only people they'd be stopping with this are those who really use it for backups.

Pirates aren't going to use this software nor are the groups who stick dvdrips out into the internet.

Theres plenty of freeware apps that will decrypt and shrink dvds anyway.

The best thing warner can do about this kind of thing is.

1) global release for all films
2) ditto for dvds and get rid of the region BS (btw, wasn't that made illegal in europe under EU law?)
and probably 3) drop the ads.

Their current action will do bugger all.
K.I.L.E.R said:
1 reason I NEVER buy books (unless they are for school) is because they can easily be destoryed and you have no backup.

Paper is pretty durable. It's probably the most durable medium mankind came up with since using cave walls for drawings.

To destroy a book you either have to shred it, burn it or let it soak in water for a couple of hours. CDs can be destroyed the same way.

PLUS, a CD can be destroyed by scratching, breaking, a couple of days in in your car's glove compartment at freezing temperatures, a few days of prolonged direct sun exposure...

A book doesn't care if you freeze it, leave it lying in the sun or scratch it.

And, of course, paper will keep the information stored for much longer than the 30-70 years a CD lasts.

Also, with a book you can be sure that you will still be able read it 40 years from now while it is highly unlikely that reading devices for CDs and DVDs will still be available 40 years from now.