It isn't even the fact that the hardware is anemic. It's the whole "control method is now the most important part -- forget everything else!" concept
So what was the most important part about the PS2 compared to the PC? The graphics weren't good and the online was pretty lame. The whole "storage medium is the most important part--forget everything else!" approach sure is worse than thinking about controls (WiFi is nice, too--4 players each with their own screens without playing preteens online? Count me in!).
DQ8 to DQ9 is essentially backwards progression though -- we're going from PS2 hardware to N64
Playing anything on PS2 is essentially backward progression if you've ever played a game on, well, just about anything that's out right now. Yet people still buy, play, and enjoy games on that tired, dated, aged hardware! And playing DQ8 was a backward progression already from most PS2 games. When Sonic the Hedgehog and Mario went backward onto DS with true, proper iterations of their franchises (whatever that means), most people were pretty pleased with the results. When Final Fantasy Tactics went backward from PS1 to GBA, the result was neither bad nor unpopular. Castlevania's had 5 proper iterations on the handhelds, which despite lacking the cinematics of the latest PS2 games in the series, are hardly disappointing experiences.
game variety/length/depth can quite easily suffer from being on a flash cart
Once you're up to 64 MB or so, gameplay isn't really hindered by media size. The multimedia aspects are what are affected.
how is this exciting to see a franchise "ruined"?
I dunno, after they ruined Final Fantasy with all those stupid FMV cutscenes, not too many people seemed to mind. They change up the gameplay formula in Final Fantasy all the time, and most people seem to like it. They keep releasing games on the broken and dated PS2, and no one's complaining. And I sure didn't think a touchscreen ruined Advance Wars...or Final Fantasy 3. I'm sure after SE is done with DQ9, using thumbsticks to fiddle through spell menus will feel positively archaic.
It'd only be "hilarious" if all those that were saying that actually recanted
The console boys pointed to the gamepad as infinitely superior to K&M due to its versatility and said "The graphics may be worse, but the gameplay is overall better." But now that the graphics are worse and the gameplay possibly improved, it's suddenly all about the graphics. That is what I call a recant. Graphics don't matter unless my console has better graphics than yours, then they're
all that matter. It doesn't matter how fun the game is...we look at pretty cutscenes for next-gen JRPGs and weep.
Hey, some of us wept when we saw the pretty bump-mapping in Xbox games and realized we wouldn't see it on PS2. Then we realized that bump-mapping didn't make Bloodwake fun. But yeah, if the main reason you play games is to watch cutscenes, then this is a horrible move. Otherwise, it may turn out to be a fantastic game.
For many people, this is great news. Because rather than being forced to buy an overpriced, rare, unproven (as in durability) PS3 to play the next DQ game, or have a rehashed experience on the PS2 (how much more can be done with that machine, really?) we can play it on our ever-popular DS's.