Does anyone know the costs of 3d screens?


I keep reading about new 3d screen tech, seems so neat, you don't need glasses, new models evidently can be viewed from a relatively wide angle and still have the effect intact...I want to know, how much does that sort of technology cost? I'm curious about its feasibility in some handhelds (it would be a killer gba2 gimmick)
GwymWeepa said:
I keep reading about new 3d screen tech, seems so neat, you don't need glasses, new models evidently can be viewed from a relatively wide angle and still have the effect intact...I want to know, how much does that sort of technology cost? I'm curious about its feasibility in some handhelds (it would be a killer gba2 gimmick)

Do you mean those screens like in paycheck ? I didn't think they really existed .

The projected keyboard screens though should be around 200-300 when they are first released.
The picture, though, will likely begin to change in 2003. A 3D consortium--which includes Toshiba, Sony, Olympus, Kodak and Microsoft among its founding members--was recently established to hammer out standards for hardware manufacturing and software development

With all those HUGE names behind it, u'd think we'd know much more about it today than we actually do...