Do you think p0rn.....

Do you think it is bad? Should it be discouraged?

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epicstruggle said:
I very rarely agree with guden on anything, but this is one area where we pretty much see the same way. Pornography is not good for society, it has not improved how people view women, it has not brough any benefit to those in the industry (other than financial).

There are several areas that it is quite detremental:
-It changes how the those who watch pornography view women as objects.
-The porn industry has moved from the seedy dark theaters to the mainstream. Now people aspire to be like the hooker in pretty women, a stripper, ...
-The explotation of women, use them while they are in their prime and then chuck them away.

I might add more later depending on how the conversation progresses.


Out of curiousity, how is a hooker or stripper in this case different than a pro-athlete? We really in many ways view them in them in the same way; No one really cares who the person is. People aspire to be like them, not because of the way they act (or perhaps inspite of it!), but because of their popularity and athletical powress. Not only that, but like you say, we use them while they are in their prime and then chuck them away as well. So I have to ask, what is the difference between a hooker or a pornography star and a pro-athlete when it comes down to it? Personally the only difference I can see is that the first is judged based on his/her looks and sexual performance. The second is based primarily on his/her athletic performance, with looks perhaps playing a smaller factor in popularity. In both cases though, society's view of the person is extremely shallow. This to me, points back to sex itself being the root of the problem. People don't think of pro-athletes as being exploited, or atleast don't care enough to make a big fuss about it. Pornography on the other hand causes a huge conflict.

as long as participation in porno industry is based on free will of actors, i dont have problem with it.
if a girl has a great body and doesnt mind being pictured naked for 10000's to see, why bother? noone is forcing her.

everything else should be penalised, specially any kind of child abuse.

and epic....viewing women as objects? c'mon, you just came from India, they sell brides there and try to burn them if they wed outside prearranged marriages.....IMO, thats looking at women as object. cause they are treated like objects of trade and god knows what else.....

i find it specially funny that people from cultures that deny women basic rights find porn wrong "cause it makes them objects".

if a woman takes nude pictures for her fun/work on her free will.....thats fine with me.

i would rather see epic commenting on things like prearranged marriages.....when girls are forced into marriage with older men they never seen in their lives.....
thats not treating women as objects?????????
epicstruggle said:
-It changes how the those who watch pornography view women as objects.

Do you have anything to back this up?
Do you get violent by playing Doom3? Or by watching Rambo?

epicstruggle said:
-The porn industry has moved from the seedy dark theaters to the mainstream. Now people aspire to be like the hooker in pretty women, a stripper, ...

People are getting more open about sexuality. And that's a good thing.
Humus said:
epicstruggle said:
-It changes how the those who watch pornography view women as objects.

Do you have anything to back this up?
Yes. Look at how blind so many of you are towards the harm it does towards SOME peoples' attitudes towards women. If you want good examples, a good place to start is anywhere on B3D where women are talked about. Most of you do watch porn (a lot), and to me, it really shows.
I would probably be even more disgusted if I were female.
Do you get violent by playing Doom3? Or by watching Rambo?
Nope, it's the opposite. It usually makes you more indifferent to the violence that you see. With the porn thing, it makes many people (and for God's sake, no, NOT ALL OF YOU) look at women and start making ridiculous comments and having unrealistic ideas and attitudes. I see it here more than I do anywhere else.
epicstruggle said:
-The porn industry has moved from the seedy dark theaters to the mainstream. Now people aspire to be like the hooker in pretty women, a stripper, ...

People are getting more open about sexuality. And that's a good thing.
Porn is simply hurting the potential for equality on the behalf of women; regardless of their involvment or desire for it. That's a bad thing. Porn is not the key to having an open sexuality.
I think as a responsible society we have to draw a line somewhere, otherwise things will get out of hands. I don't think anyone will say Pornography is GOOD and should be encouraged.
The549 said:
Yes. Look at how blind so many of you are towards the harm it does towards SOME peoples' attitudes towards women. If you want good examples, a good place to start is anywhere on B3D where women are talked about. Most of you do watch porn (a lot), and to me, it really shows.
I would probably be even more disgusted if I were female.

seems like you dont have many female friends.
if you had any, you would know they are sometimes much worse in their comments WRT men then men are WRT women.
The549 said:
Humus said:
Do you have anything to back this up?
Yes. Look at how blind so many of you are towards the harm it does towards SOME peoples' attitudes towards women. If you want good examples, a good place to start is anywhere on B3D where women are talked about. Most of you do watch porn (a lot), and to me, it really shows.
I would probably be even more disgusted if I were female.

No, I meant as in providing evidence, not making far reaching conclusions on loose observations on a public message board.
Can you btw link to any discussion where these claimed bad attitudes against women is particularly apparent?

Nope, it's the opposite. It usually makes you more indifferent to the violence that you see. With the porn thing, it makes many people (and for God's sake, no, NOT ALL OF YOU) look at women and start making ridiculous comments and having unrealistic ideas and attitudes.

So essentially you're claiming that people don't understand the difference between fiction and fact? I have never seen a study that concludes that violence in the movies makes people indifferent to violence. The studies I've read about have always shown that there's little to no difference in attitudes to real violence. Violence in games and movies are just an extension of playing. Kids have played war with each other since dawn of time. That kids shoot each other with rocket launcher in Q3 is no different than the same kids "shooting" each other with snow balls or sticks they pretend are guns.
The same thing with porn. People understand that you can't just grab a woman's boob and expect that she will like it. It's an extension of the same old sexual fantasies that people have had since dawn of time.

Porn is simply hurting the potential for equality on the behalf of women

I doubt porn is really affecting the male posters here on how they view women. If you had evidence tu support such a thing it would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I see no evidence that could support such proof on this board.

Women in the porn industry may have ended up there because of unfortunate circumstances, but their continuance in their profession should be overlooked? I think that's an absurd thing to think. If they do it on their own free will then they have noone to blame but themselves. Talk about a problem with society? How about those saying that women are in the porn industry because of being molested....that really just puts the blame on other people....which in turn is a very big problem with society...blaming everyone else for their problems.

For all those with broadband and the internet in general. It wouldn't have been adapted to so fast if it wasn't for porn. Let's face it, porno fueled the internet and it fueled the adaption rate of broadband. Online gaming only helped so much. File sharing sure did help, but I'm willing to bet half of file sharing is porn.

If the porn is legal then I don't see any major problem with that. Prostitution is a very different thing but it is related in a deep way at the same time. One could argue that due to the financial apportunities in the porn industry or through prostitution that capitalism itself is the major fault.

People who degrade women have it rooted deep within and I highly doubt porn will effect them in a way to make it worsen. It may fuel their beliefs, but it does not cause them.
silence said:
The549 said:
Yes. Look at how blind so many of you are towards the harm it does towards SOME peoples' attitudes towards women. If you want good examples, a good place to start is anywhere on B3D where women are talked about. Most of you do watch porn (a lot), and to me, it really shows.
I would probably be even more disgusted if I were female.

seems like you dont have many female friends. if you had any, you would know they are sometimes much worse in their comments WRT men then men are WRT women.
Of course, you would know better than anyone the type of friends I have.

Seems like you don't know what you're talking about. If you did, you'd know that it really depends on what type of friends you have.

So do you think that females are actually worse than males regarding sexism, comments, etc? What world are you living in?
The549 said:
silence said:
The549 said:
Yes. Look at how blind so many of you are towards the harm it does towards SOME peoples' attitudes towards women. If you want good examples, a good place to start is anywhere on B3D where women are talked about. Most of you do watch porn (a lot), and to me, it really shows.
I would probably be even more disgusted if I were female.

seems like you dont have many female friends. if you had any, you would know they are sometimes much worse in their comments WRT men then men are WRT women.
Of course, you would know better than anyone the type of friends I have.

Seems like you don't know what you're talking about. If you did, you'd know that it really depends on what type of friends you have.

So do you think that females are actually worse than males regarding sexism, comments, etc? What world are you living in?

I think it's rather sexist to insinuate that either men or women are generally more "sexist" than one or the other.

The549 said:
silence said:
The549 said:
Yes. Look at how blind so many of you are towards the harm it does towards SOME peoples' attitudes towards women. If you want good examples, a good place to start is anywhere on B3D where women are talked about. Most of you do watch porn (a lot), and to me, it really shows.
I would probably be even more disgusted if I were female.

seems like you dont have many female friends. if you had any, you would know they are sometimes much worse in their comments WRT men then men are WRT women.
Of course, you would know better than anyone the type of friends I have.

Seems like you don't know what you're talking about. If you did, you'd know that it really depends on what type of friends you have.

So do you think that females are actually worse than males regarding sexism, comments, etc? What world are you living in?

just like men..some are worse, some arent.
i dunno whats so shocking about women making sexual comments about men....specially when they are on their own, with no men in company....
Deepak said:
I think as a responsible society we have to draw a line somewhere, otherwise things will get out of hands. I don't think anyone will say Pornography is GOOD and should be encouraged.
I will, and i'll mean it.

Pornography can be a good thing, and should be encouraged.

From whence came this stupid puritanical shame when dealing with sex?
Why is it seen as "dirty", or "scummy"?
Such attitudes are the ones that do the damage, by creating a cycle of shame - you tell younger generations "I know you want this, and it feels great, BUT - be veeeeery ashamed you do it!" Of course they do it, and feel bad about it, because you shaped them that way. And so instead of having the support and respect a pro sports has, porn is pushed into the shady corners of the world by the very people who claim it is bad because it is so shady - a nice self fufilling bit of prophecy that is lost on most of them.

What exactly is wrong with sex? What makes anal "Wrong" and "dirty"?
What causes the problems you people complain about?

IMO, it is all you. You make is shameful, by instilling guilt for something that does not deserve it. You make it shady with your judgemental attittude towards people who view/participate in porn. You make it "Wrong", you make it a refuge for the unsavory, and then you crow about how right you are.

Well, I say we all watch some more porn, and respect the females and males in the industry more. I say we elevate porn into a legitimate industry, and all the "problems" you and guden have with it will vanish.

Anyways, I'd comment more, but I've got to go watch some porn and beat it.
See you later, unless my keyboard is too sticky.
RussSchultz said:
What makes anal ... "dirty"?
Fecal matter?

But that's just me.
guess you never heard of an enema?
I mean, there are ways to have it be clean. Technically, playing croquet could involve (accidentally) stepping in dogshit, but i don't see yard/lawn games regarded as "dirty".
Guys.... My god, when u thought the General Forum couldn't get any worse....
Anyway, anything is dirty, it's people's prejudices and ignorance that's the problem here.
Althornin said:
RussSchultz said:
What makes anal ... "dirty"?
Fecal matter?

But that's just me.
guess you never heard of an enema?
I mean, there are ways to have it be clean. Technically, playing croquet could involve (accidentally) stepping in dogshit, but i don't see yard/lawn games regarded as "dirty".
Would you drink from a toilet?

I mean, its all sanitized and everything. You have heard of tidy bowl, haven't you?

_xxx_ said:
So normal sex should be dirty because of piss? Your girl will also never give you a bj, right?
1) Urine is sterile
2) It isn't shit

Meh. Each to his own. The "reward" of anal sex isn't worth the effort to me.
london-boy said:
Guys.... My god, when u thought the General Forum couldn't get any worse....
Anyway, anything is dirty, it's people's prejudices and ignorance that's the problem here.
I agree.

Althornin said:
at exactly is wrong with sex? What makes anal "Wrong" and "dirty"?
What causes the problems you people complain about?
Porn is not simply just sex. Do not confuse my arguments with the argument coming from a rightous moralist who think sex is "dirty".
Porn does not care about equality or anything like that. If people were all perfect and without prejudice, porn wouldn't be hurting the overal view of women like it does now.

