You seem to hold high esteem with ACU and Batman, well they aren't entirely comparable for the amount of resources they dedicate to different part of the engine. But character wise, Drake definitely looks above Arno and Batman, with the former uses SSS, SSS on hair, deformable muscle sim and possibly silhouette tessellation or just really high polys. Effects wise UC4 definitely takes this, better looking explosions, fire, mud, smoke and possibly snow. Physics goes to UC4 too since I've yet to see any game does so many breakable and moving objects affected by physics, Batman comes close tho. And yes physics and animation add to the visual presentation drastically, screenshot war is one thing, but in motion is another ballpark. The world of UC4 just feels more alive than The Order for example. And environment wise, UC4 has some of the best foliage in the business, that PSX demo showed a level of foliage density, texture res, foliage collision detection not seen in any open world game.