DirectX August SDK

XAudio2 ist Jack!

da thing I like about XAudio 2 is its sheer simplicity and straightforward concepts, well I may go far as to say it takes the piss out of all the other API's.

The concept of a queue of buffers is brilliant in its inception and even execution.

I dont know why I am so pleased, sure it took only 2 days to integrate with my original software, much better than wrestling with that monstrosity DXsound. Sure microsoft have big ideas to help you guys out especially for multi-chan 3D op but I just want easy connect to DACs and ADCs and it does that in a clean and simple hand holding way. Its cool y'All.

Finally some feedback goodies from Xbox to the parent.

check ya later dudes after I quit Jackin in multi-chan nirvana!!!!!!
When chatting with the MS people behind XA2 they had a lot of data/reasoning to suggest that hardware accelerated audio wasn't actually that important. Apparently a lot of vendors were implementing a lot of their techniques like EAX in part (or in total) in the driver - and that the hardware did relatively little of the hard work. Apparently a big part of the soundcard business model was just licensing the use of their patents in audio effects/processing rather than the way that these were actually implemented.

I forget all the finer details now, but it seemed like pretty reasonable justification to me at the time!

Now if only developers will support this. Although I'm assuming that there will be significant pressure from Nvidia for developers not to support this as I'm assuming it will by-pass their hardware AA and do the custom AA through shaders?
There are only a few entries in the spec-defined palette that are mandatory requirements for 10.1, so I'd imagine there'll still be emphasis on the IHV-specific formats. It just gives developers a nice "lowest common denominator" to work with.

I see no indication that these fixed AA patterns are not fully hardware implemented the same as any other MSAA pattern you've seen...

Can someone tell me what effects XA2 supports
positional audio (can you place a sound in 3d space x y z) ?
reverb ?
occlusion and obstruction?
sounds altered based on room size and geometry ?
htrf + crosstalk cancelation ?
velocity dependant dopler ?
Last Release of the DirectX SDK That Will Contain ....

This is the final release of the DirectX SDK that will contain the following components:

* Direct3D8 and all of the earlier versions
* Direct3D RM
* DirectAnimation
* DirectMusic
* DirectInput7 and all of the earlier versions
* DirectPlay
* DirectPlayVoice
* DirectX8-era HRESULT conversion routines
* Managed DirectX samples and documentation

No more c# api for directx... Weird...
Apparently all the c# stuff are moving to XNA. I'mnot sure I get the logic of such choices...
There is no more Managed DirectX and for the foreseeable future there won't be any updates or new releases.

Best look into the community wrappers if you want to use the 'pure' API in the managed world rather than go down the XNA route.

No more c# api for directx... Weird...
Apparently all the c# stuff are moving to XNA. I'mnot sure I get the logic of such choices...

The number of MDX users was never very large and most of these people seem happy with the XNA framework now. In its second iteration it still has unsupported corners and some of them will never be filled (like fixed function vertex and pixel processing).

As Jack already said if you need more direct access to the raw metal but don’t want to use C++ there are two community wrappers or you can write your own.