Heres a little recap of situations that make me believe DX 12 is nothing more than a low level API in a direct response to Mantle, and that it will not require new hardware.
- Microsoft goes to AMD for a APU for its console
- Microsoft and AMD define the specs for the Xbox One APU.
- AMD claims no DX 12 is visible on the horizon
- Microsoft presents its console as a 11.1+ Dx Specs machine
- Xbox is Released with no mention of aditional DirectX Support
- Microsoft defines DX 11.2 specs, and they require no new hardware
- Amd releases a low level API called Mantle
- Microsoft speaks about DX 12
- Microsoft adds the Xbox Logo on the DX 12 page.
It seems obvious that if Microsoft, the makers of the DirectX Spec and API were to ask AMD to build a GPU that was above the known DirectX 11.1 specs, this would cause AMD to, at the very least, suspect that a new DX 12 was to be released. And as such it would not make claims about DX 12 not beeing visible on the horizon, and even less by the mouth of its vice president.
Microsoft presented its console as 11.1+ on the Hot Chips. This leads to believe that at that time Dx 11.2 was not ready, and even less DX 12.
A claim at that time that the console was DX 12 would be a tremendous Marketing Weapon, since people would want to know more about it before deciding wich console to buy. And all hardware comparisons would have to refrain since they would not know if DX 12 would include hardware changes. So the only explanation on why Microsoft didn´t talk about it is simple. It didn´t existed at the time (well it existed on Xbox but it was called DX 12 since it was never intended to be released as a new DX)!
Then AMD releases Mantle, and Microsoft speaks about DX 12.
This leads to believe DX 12 is nothing more than the Xbox One low level API bought to PC and extended to other hardware, and that no extra hardware will be required.
Am I seeing this wrong? Or is this just logic?