Huh? You essentially copied the optional feature table
from an earlier version of the Wikipedia article - the
latest version is as reliable as it is currently possible, considering the incomplete state of
MSDN documentation on Direct3D 12 and beta status of WARP12 and graphics vendor drivers.
Specifically, you are not correct regarding typed UAV loads (optional below level 12_0, supported by Maxwell-1), UAVs at every stage (a basic Direct3D 12 feature, not part of any level), CR and ROV being not possible in FL 11_0 (optional feature on all supported levels), logical blend ops (an optional feature on level 11_0), UAV-only rendering with forced sample count (a D3D11.2 option [1] [2] [3] that doesn't exist in D3D12, which probably implies sample count 8 is now a basic feature, vs 1 in D3D11), number of UAV descriptors ("slot" count in D3D11) for Kepler/Maxwell, and linking UAV "slots" to feature levels (they are a part of resource binding tiers).