I want the Amazon back, but with more streamlined switching between melee and ranged. It didn't work AT ALL in D2 until they introduced weapon switching in the expansion, and even then it was too cumbersome.
Also, the desynch issues in the game made meleeing against certain mobs very dangerous; you could stand there and fend at half a dozen targets and not hitting any of them and be unable to move until the animation finishes playing, while a frenzied minotaur is mauling you to pieces. Or worse, you get iron maiden tossed on you by an abyss knigget, and you destroy yourself in half a second, also while unable to stop flailing your weapon...
Oh, good ol' Diablo 2. I remember stumbling upon completely unkillable named mobs that regained 30-60% of their health every time they teleported - which they did A LOT. Those guys could wipe out the prime evils just by wearing them down, then take their place... You don't meet Baal in the deepest basement level of Mt. Arreat, it's Crypt Mould; lightning immune, stone skin, cursed, extra strong, teleporting... Thank god(s) they removed that!
I do miss the MSLEBs though... They were kind of fun. Kind of!
Oh, and Titan Quest fecking SUCKS. I tried to play it a couple months ago after buying it cheaply off of steam and it's complete shite. Way, way unbalanced gameplay, and just boring and uninspired really...