Developer's question..

I'm not and never have been, but it's a given in France...
(which sucks and is illegal anyway)
If you're a contractor, then maybe.

Generally, nope.
Ive seen many people complain that they put way more than 60hrs/week, and its just expected of them to do it. No extra compensation for it. I dont see this trend slowing down for quite a few years.

Ive seen many people complain that they put way more than 60hrs/week, and its just expected of them to do it. No extra compensation for it. I dont see this trend slowing down for quite a few years.

Depending on the company, your compensation isn't in the hourly rate, but in options and bonuses.

But yeah, its always an eye opener to interns, etc. when you tell them you work 60+ hours a week with no overtime.
Thanks to the strength of trade unions here, it's illegal. I get paid for overtime, but I have to give an estimate at the beginning of the month and get it okayed by the beancounters. And I have to have an even balance at the end of the year, meaning I have to get enough free time to compensate for the overtime.
Time off in leiu. I used to get paid OT in my last post, but the new place basically just tot's it all up like flexi-time. Can't remember the last time I had to fill in a leave application form.

I've still got 16 days of annual leave left to book this year, when the hell am I gonna find time to take them is another matter...
Nope its almost unheard of in the games biz. I was paid overtime at Mythos tho, first and I expect only time.
Nothing here either. Though to be fair, my current employer hasn't really ever asked me to (not that I can remember) and the few occasions where I've worked more hours anyway, just because I really wanted to get something finished, have generally been noted and taken into account in bonuses.

Last company I worked I pretty much had to work every hour I was awake, and several where I probably wasn't. They barely paid me for the contracted hours - though the fridge was reasonably well stocked (too well, in fact, if you ask my waistline).

Oh, as the post a few above says - I do get time off in exchange for working on holidays or weekends if necessary. Plus any trips are mostly expenses-paid, so I'd be eating in expensive restaurants on this TGS trip... if it was a work thing rather than a holiday!
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I can get paid or take time off. I tend to start later to compensate, but that often doesn't help.

In general, as long as you're there when you have an appointment and projects are finished on time, nobody cares.