Yes, this is the fab SCEI is investing with Toshiba and that is going to mass-produce Cell chips ( as well as other chips ) using 65 nm technology...
The new Oita fab will produce cutting-edge system LSIs, mainly microprocessors for broadband network applications. It will employ Toshiba’s embedded DRAM process technology and 65-nanometer process technology, and will transition to 45nm process in the future. By using advantages inherent in its world-leading embedded DRAM process technology, Toshiba is determined to remain a driving force in technological innovation and to provide customers with excellent products for broadband networks, including digital consumer products and mobile equipment.
Toshiba is now working with Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) on joint implementation of production facilities for the manufacture of SCEI’s products in Oita’s new clean room. The two companies will confirm details in due course, including the amount and timing of SCEI’s investment.
New Facility
Building Structure Two-floor, steel-framed building
Building ground area 24,100m2
Floor area 48,800m2
Clean room area 15,700m2
Start of construction June 2003
Completion January 2004
Start of mass production in the latter half of first half of FY2004 (planned)