If anyone wants to know a pretty good spot to farm loot, go to skywatch on earth (here). Make sure you stand far enough away so the hive almost instantly respawn, and don't go up and pickup the loot right after you see it... it will stay there, so just wait until you're out of ammo. It's also best to do it with 1 or 2 others, because if one or more escape, you have to hunt them down before they respawn again. Chances are there will be a few people there farming loot already. I found a couple legendary engrams in the matter of ~30min.
This spot is also pretty good for collecting vanguard marks, because a public event comes up every 20-30min in this exact location, which gives you 4 vanguard marks each time you complete it.
Currently at level 25, but I'm close to 26. Found one legendary armor and bought another with vanguard marks. Gonna save up for a shiny new helmet that should boost me to level 27.
I've been using this spot to farm. It seems to be the popular spot AFAIK. I keep being scared they're going to nerf it. So far I dont think they have but everytime I'm questioning "Ok, is less loot falling this time or is it my imagination?
It's pretty boring though. Even though sometimes I can probably make more progress per unit time farming, it's more fun playing strikes so I usually do those.
Edit: This skywatch spot looks better though. I'm going to try it. I think they nerfed Crota.