Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Against All Odds is pretty awesome, I think it's better than my 150 round Culling with field scout. It hits so hard and staggers. Would love to get ahold of one with field scout.

I love Against all Odds! I got it from an engram drop on patrol last week. I dont have field scout, but I have perfect balance. It shoots just like a scout rifle if you pull the trigger once you shoot one round. It has a very decent range and impact. I am loving my Fang of Ir Yut and
Abyss defiant. Abyss defiant is great with focus fire on.
Yeah, since I've been playing VOG a lot lately, I've noticed Against All Odds seems more effective against Pratorians than my The Culling with 150 rounds with field scout. And the AAO does not have field scout and just 26 rounds. So how much better would AAO be with field scout and 52 shots in the mag?

I've kept two Corrective Measures cause I'm sure they'll beast at 365, but my third void MG slot is going to AAO.

I too tend to pull the trigger for almost every shot on it for some reason. It's fun how hard it hits.
If I'm reading it right, it's going to be SO much easier to max level with HoW than base game and TDB...

You apparently need only one etheric light to ascend legendary armor. You no longer even need to acquire new armor to hit the cap, and you dont have to go through the lengthy process of gathering shards to level that armor once you get it, either.

Once again, I do fear dumbing down a bit. While I did not like the way getting to 32 was handled in TDB. We'll see but it almost seems way too easy this time.

Unless I'm wrong and Bungie hasn't revealed it actually takes like 10 etheric light to ascend a legendary armor (with only one per POE run as a reward), or some other way of slowing progress.
So I fired up Destiny after a long break and ran the Weekly and Nightfall strikes with each character. Bottom line: Didn't get shit. Ascendant Energy? Is that crap even useful anymore? I also got some Future War Cult hand canon called "Chance" or something. It's ok but with only a 6 round mag it really isn't that useful.

I also ran a few bounties with my Hunter, and quickly remembered how 'ffing boring the non-strike/raid gameplay is.

Thunderlord is pretty sweet. Picked one up from Xur.
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I added 2 more exotic guns to my collection this week. Bad juju and invective. That makes 6 I got since the reset last Tuesday. Red Death, Icebreaker, Thunderlord, Bad juju, Invective and my 2nd Mida multi tool. That with Fang of ir yut and abyss defiant I don't think I will ever top this week in luck.
Yeah, since I've been playing VOG a lot lately, I've noticed Against All Odds seems more effective against Pratorians than my The Culling with 150 rounds with field scout. And the AAO does not have field scout and just 26 rounds. So how much better would AAO be with field scout and 52 shots in the mag?

I've kept two Corrective Measures cause I'm sure they'll beast at 365, but my third void MG slot is going to AAO.

I too tend to pull the trigger for almost every shot on it for some reason. It's fun how hard it hits.
AAO with fieldscout gives you 50 bullets/mag to be exact. IMO, it makes it a lot better for PVE to have fieldscout on this weapon. I have a void AAO with rangefinder, fieldscout and feeding frenzy (increases reload speed with kills). I also have 3 jolder's hammers, all with fieldscout (plan on reforging at least one of them in the next iron banner). One is void with spray and pray (increases reload speed when the mag is empty) and surplus. Second one is solar with rangefinder and crowd control. Third one is also solar with persistence and reactive reload (will definitely be reforging this one).

For these types of MGs, IMHO, these are the best perks to have:
1. Fieldscout - 26 magazine is a bit small
2. Feeding Frenzy - reload speed is pretty slow, so this helps a lot
3. Rangefinder - base range is pretty decent for an MG, but this makes it even more versatile
4. Crowd control - this will allow you to chew through groups of enemies like nothing
5. Spray and pray - not quite as good as feeding frenzy IMO, but still good
6. Counterbalance/rodeo/persistence - it's pretty easy to control the recoil since it fires slow, but added stability helps with accurazy
7. Surplus - good for PVE

Also, I like Aggressive Ballistics and/or CQB Ballistics. Aggressive Ballistics gives you higher impact, while CQB gives you more stability.
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I don't have practitioners foil but I have crota fusion rifle that's really handy in crucible :D I guess I don't need to upgrade it because crucible disabled level adbaadvantage...
Yeah fusion rifles are good for close/mid-range 1 shot kills, but I'm more of a shotgun gun guy in crucible. Nothing beats rushing (or getting rushed) by 2-3 guys and dropping them with my Secret Handshake. :D
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It's weird AAO goes from 26 to 50 instead of 52 with FS then, because it's supposed to be a straight doubling on MG's with FS. But I guess it's another oddball rounding error from Bungie. Another weird one is every gun that says it has a 20 mag actually has 19 (Another NITC for example).

Come to think of it I think "The Culling" starts at 74 but them goes to 150 not 148 with FS. Bungie cant even math I swear. It's amazing in this era of multi terabytes and teraflops, such simple errors abound in these complex programs (and of course it's hardly just Destiny).

About Fusion rifles, yeah the Shotgun buff kind of put them in a weird spot. In theory they should be useful for when you want to use your special slot to deal heavy damage at medium range. In practice I dont use them much since the shotgun buff, but I still think they have some utility at least they are not as bad off as AR's or something.
The fieldscout perk doesn't mention doubling of the magazine, just maximum ammo capacity (magazine+reserve). In fact, most guns don't get exactly double the magazine size with fieldscout.

Yeah shotguns are absolute beasts in PVE as well now. The only time I'm hesitant to use shotguns is in nightfalls (especially with lightswitch on). But they 1-2 shot knights, wizards, praetorians/minotaurs or captains.
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No, I think the doubling with FS is only applies to machine guns, that's what I said. At least I read that somewhere.

So that's why I assume AAO would go 26>52, but you say 50. Destiny has a lot of rounding numbers issues, so that's my guess.

Other classes vary of course. FS always takes scouts to 27 round and HC's to 13, and for AR's and Pulse it just varies, etc.
I agree. Almost every enemy in that room does arc damage; and with lightswitch on, I don't like to stand there for too long shooting at Omnigul. Used gjallarhorn + weapons of light and we beat the nightfall without any trouble (only died 3 times, all in the beginning part playing too aggressive).
Heh, it was actually thrawl that got me all 3 times. My buddy put his bubble in the doorway (who doesn't have helm of the saint 14) and I kept getting attacked from the side by thrawl. With lightswitch on, they can kill you in 1-2 swipes.
Call me crazy but I think at this point as the weeks have gone by I'd rather have PoE than another raid. POE will probably be more dynamic and replayable. Looking forward to it. There will always be more raids...

Is there any specific PoE armor drops? Is that known? Or you just have to ascend Crota or VoG (or what, legendary 32 vendor?) armor only?