@Goragoth: I read your posts and am amazed at how naive your points are. Lets see, where should I start?
The UN has shown itself to be useless, and some might argue that it has been detrimantal(sp?), to stability, to peace, to protection of the weak. Case and point: Yugoslavia, Rawanda, USSR (under stalin), North Korea, Cambodia, ..... Where was the UN when there was the need for them to be there protecting against genocide in one form or another. Ill tell you where, debating, planning,discussing, arguing,
BUT NOT ACTING. And humanity suffered.
Please tell me where UN has acted without the US support to stop a massacre/genocide from occuring, Im sure there is one or two cases but I dont think I can recall any of them. Where is the UN when it comes to Tibet, or dont they count.
Goragoth I wont even agree that "we should agree to disagree with each other". I wont even acknowledge your arguements since they are so ridiculous. I think you should read up on how the UN has failed as a body in protecting nations/people under threat. After Iraq invaded Kuwait the US had to drag along france into agreeing to kick Iraq out of there.
Lets take how the UN has dealt with Iraq for a second. There have been estimates that over the last decade almost ONE MILLION civilians(mostly children) have died due to sanctions. These sanctions agreed by the UN and Iraq have obviously faile unless you believe that ONE MILLION casualties is just the cost of diplomacy.

If we continued for another decade of diplomacy another million could die. Do you not see that action is what is needed. And this action has been stalled by countries with direct interest with the current Iraqi government, mainly france, germany, russia. These countries need the the current regime to stay in power to keep their BLOODY contract intact. But they have succesfully hijacked the peace movement to suite their needs.
I think of the US as the parents and you ,Goragoth, the UN, and some of the countries in the UN, as children who have not had a chance to grow and mature. Its might not be your fault as the US has protect many countries from any sort of threat for so long, that we might have stunted your growth. Its time for the kids to shut up, take their medicine, got to bed and shut the door behind them. The parents are now going to take care of business (hopefully in the bedroom

My country (New Zealand) does not support the war by the way, not that that means anything.
Actually it doesnt. When the worlds fate rest in the balance and the only country that can decide humanities fate is New Zealand, well we are in the shitter and should just kill ourselves at this point.

Should the US care whether or not every little dinky country says. Its sad that we have had to troll around africa for votes because france, germany, russia, china have not had the balls to stand up to Iraq.