Dead Space

Hrmm. I gave up on Dead Space at chapter 10. If you read my earlier spoiler you'll know why. When I saw a reappearance of something that caused immense frustration I knew it was time to throw in the towel.

Having said that, I had a lot of fun with the game early on. I wish there were some new tricks it could give me a little later on to make it a consistently evolving experience, rather than wrapping up the experience by level 3 or so. The game does set-piece action extremely well, and doesn't do too much to punish the player which is refreshing for this type of game.

No doubt the sequel will be very interesting, though I should probably have rented rather than purchased this one.
Hrmm. I gave up on Dead Space at chapter 10. If you read my earlier spoiler you'll know why. When I saw a reappearance of something that caused immense frustration I knew it was time to throw in the towel.

I had no big problems with it, I first wasted some ammo on it, but then was told to run and I did, I think I saw it only twice after that and the second time was when it got frozen. Stasis worked very well in on it and I died only once in those encounters.
Hrmm. I gave up on Dead Space at chapter 10. If you read my earlier spoiler you'll know why. When I saw a reappearance of something that caused immense frustration I knew it was time to throw in the towel.

You know that's about when I felt a frustrating imbalance in the games difficulty as well.
At about the same time the level 5 suit becomes available which you can purchase from PSN.
Coincidence? Maybe but I thought it was interesting. I didn't have anywhere near the required 60,000 credits to buy the suit within the game so I resorted to paying $2.50 in the real world. I had been progressing fairly well up until that point,having the required credits in game to purchase what I needed.
Completed on medium difficulty. 18h 18 minutes. Imo best game in this generation so far. This one will be a keeper, I'll play it through again to try new weapons and max everything out.


Now that Bioware is under EA wing too, maybe they'll import this control scheme to Mass Effect 2, would make the battles ALOT better.
I don't know if best game of it's generation, but best of genre for shure (not counting AVP1&2 for PC) I'm at chapter 8 and enjoing it a lot so far. Line Gun FTW
Oh look, it's the return of the horse armour!


That's about $30 worth of DLC - DownLoadable Crap. I'm certainly going to pick this game up sometime over the next 6 months, but it'd be nice if DLC actually added something to the game rather than just try to get some extra revenue for minimal effort.
I tried to get back into this and just could not. Played through level 1-5, tried to get back into it on 6 and just gave up. Traded it in and it the net cost to me was only $5, so not to bad.
Yep - my view of this game was initially it was an "A" game, but before too long dropped to a "C+/B-". It seemed like a short game that roughly doubled in length via adding a lot of backtracking, repeating the same basic objectives and mission structure from the first half of the game.

I look forward to a fully-realised sequel which managed to sit in the oven for a bit longer though. I certainly look forward to some of the UI implementations in other games too.
Yeah, I think the back tracking got to me. Especially level 6, it really hit me. It was similar to Doom3 as in go here to open this door. Then go on another lift to open another door and so on. I heard the game kinda tapers off towards the later levels anyway so if it's a chore at 6, I don't want put myself through 6 more. However, the game did look good and I liked the controls. The weapons were cool and unique and first but I just stuck with the Plasma cutter all said and done. To be fair, if it wasn't surrounded by the other games in this time frame, I would have finished it. This should have been released mid summer-ish. Then again, Bioshock bored me also so maybe I'm just not into these sort of games?
If you guys only made it to chapter 6, you missed some interesting parts. The story really starts to pick up in the latter half of the game, plus there's always zero-g basketball!
Just finished this game. I liked it quite a lot in the beginning, but like it less and less as I play more. As many scares as I've got from this game, it's not the horror game I hoped it would be. I personally prefer to describe games like this as an "ambush shooter" or "ambush action game". Basically, the game makes me walk into one ambush after another, enemies rushing at me from different directions. This design did give me scares, but after a few levels, become annoying for me.

Story also affect my feelings on games a lot. The way the game goes makes me section the "story" into 2 parts. One is the story the main character Issac read or hear in logs. The other part is the story that Issac goes through in the game. The former is ok, but the latter feels like the story of a plumber or office messenger. It's mostly just a long sequence of ad hoc jobs thrown at Issac. Issac, fix this; Issac, fix that; Issac fetch that; Issac deliver this; oh what you just fixed isn't working again, go fix it in another way... Extremely reproducible, replicable and extensible. May be all those ambushes set me in a bad mood (I threw my controller at a soft cushion once or twice :p). I also can't get over the feeling that someone in the story is popping up everywhere, apparently moving about easily while almost everyone else has died and I'm getting ambushed every 2 minutes. :mad:

Overall, I'd say the game is a good ambush shooter, although it doesn't suit me too well.

BTW, anyone knows if Silent Hill Homecoming is less combat heavy? I want a horror game that doesn't require much fighting. My personal optimum is something like Silent Hill 2.
I'm at chapter 10, havnt played for the past 1.5 week because im at my parents home. I didnt read the spoilers but I didnt encounter anything described on this page. I think the game is pretty decent. The story isnt super, but enough to keep me playing and the game has a good flow I think so that is oke. The only thing I noticed is that its impossible to play with the mouse. No matter how you set up the sense it keeps feeling really slow so I ended up borrowing a x360 controller (but cheated by using the mouse on certain shoot parts, as the mouse made things alot easier). What bothers me most about the game is that apparantly you are on a really big ship, yet you mostly walk around in small corridors. I understand its probably just a design choice for the type of game but it just feels a bit odd. Also dont like how everything is made out of a grey color pallet.
Heh, I use the Force-Gun (=equal to shotgun + grenade launcher) for the little spiders. You can kill a whole family of them with a single blast. And the Force-Gun is also usefull if you have lots of bigger enemys as a direct hit will knock them over and give you time to get some distance and reloading guns

I found little reason to use the Pulse-Rifle( except having no ammo for other guns), its pretty much useless IMHO.

I agree, the Pulse rifle is shit.

I used and upgraded my weapons in the following order:

Plasma Cutter
Force Gun (excellent for its grenades too)
Line Gun

I also used the Contact Beam a lot, but didnt upgrade it because it was too 'expensive'.

The Line Gun is the best overall weapon imo, but ammo is tight for it. Once you upgrade it though, it becomes bloody awesome.

I used the Ripper early on and its great fun, but as others have said, it soon becomes useless.

I used the Pulse Rifle and Flamethrower for about 2 mins each before selling them.
Hmm I actually use those guns. The Rifle isnt bad as soon as you upgrade it. Mine now does 6 damage a hit or so. For the rest I mostly use the plasma cutter. I havnt really tried the force and lune gun, I guess ill give them a try if they are so much stonger. Ammo shouldnt be a problem, you can just buy that. Money enough in the game imo.
Yeah I've heard the rifle isnt too bad once you upgrade it, but I didnt want to spend power nodes upgrading it. The Plasma Cutter works well on most enemies, so that should be your default gun. However, for some of the bigger enemies towards the end, the Force Gun is invaluable as it blows some of them to pieces once you upgrade its relatively light power.

The Line Gun is great if you aim it properly. You can easily slice enemies limbs off in one shot, and once you increase its power, you can deal with many enemies quickly. Its also worth increasing its capacity as you get a nice top up of scarce ammo too.

Anyway, I'm off to play Bioshock, see how it compares! (I have a PS3 and only recently got it).