Dead Rising for Wii

They made it for Wii and no PS3? I would have bought it if they made it for the PS3.

Perhaps I will buy it when I ll get a 360
They made it for Wii and no PS3? I would have bought it if they made it for the PS3.

Perhaps I will buy it when I ll get a 360

I don't remember the source, but I read they hinted the PS3 was coming. But if you end up getting a 360 anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to borrow it or find it dirt cheap.
I don't remember the source, but I read they hinted the PS3 was coming. But if you end up getting a 360 anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to borrow it or find it dirt cheap.

There was a very cryptic 'PS3 fans haven't heard the last of Dead Rising', or something to that effect. Not a confirmation by any means.
I don't care about this port anymore, despite how amusing it might be to dismember a zombie using Wii gestures. What I really want is a violent Mii game, so I can savage my friends Mii's horribly. Come on, there's some devs on this board. Someone steal my idea.
This is running on the Resident Evil 4 engine.
And quite frankly the ugly textures are due to the RE4 engine (i saw RE4 Wii at a friends house and the textures were horrible).

A shame too, using the Wii's S3TC capability coulda improved the texture work significantly. (AFAIK the gamecube didnt have S3TC capability)

The ugly textures are really the only thing bugging me about this game at this point.
They need to take a book from Prime 3, cuz those are some of the sharpest textures on a Wii tile.
Arent the graphics worse than expected though because of the crazy amounts of characters they are trying to pull off on screen at any moment?
This is running on the Resident Evil 4 engine.

Do you actually know this, or are you just assuming?

And quite frankly the ugly textures are due to the RE4 engine (i saw RE4 Wii at a friends house and the textures were horrible).

What? RE4 has some of the best texture work on the Gamecube. The brown color scheme has nothing to do with the engine, and they were fairly high-res and in high color as well. You need to compare it to RE4 on PS2 to see the difference with low color textures.

A shame too, using the Wii's S3TC capability coulda improved the texture work significantly. (AFAIK the gamecube didnt have S3TC capability)

It did, and judging by the compression artifacts on the textures and the fact that they had to reduce them to 4-bit for the PS2 version, RE4 was using it.
Wow. The RE4 engine was one of the best last gen.

This port is just halfassed. :(

To add insult to injury, their newest Dead Rising trailer comes with footage of RE4. Yes, they also mention it uses the RE4 tech in that trailer. RE4 still look awesome while Dead Rising looks... well... the less said, the better. Not only that, but the footage contains even less zombies than the screen shots.
To add insult to injury, their newest Dead Rising trailer comes with footage of RE4. Yes, they also mention it uses the RE4 tech in that trailer. RE4 still look awesome while Dead Rising looks... well... the less said, the better. Not only that, but the footage contains even less zombies than the screen shots.

ha ha ha, Dead Rising without hordes of zombies would be the easiest, most boring and pointless game ever made.
ha ha ha, Dead Rising without hordes of zombies would be the easiest, most boring and pointless game ever made.

It's Capcom. You know they also ported Resident Evil Zero to the Wii with ZERO enhancements? No, not even Wii pointer controls, and this is on a system that can already play the GC version of RE0.

Oh, here's the trailer for you to laugh at.

[gt]38590[/gt] doesnt have the vibe of the original. It feels like a bad attempt to make a Resident Evil clone now. Open spaces with few zombies and bad visuals.

What made Dead Rising different and fun was the crazy amount of zombies. It was all about mayhem.

Now it's another game introducing some zombies and a typical character with weapons to slaughter them.

"Where can I find a zombie?...Oh there it is. Lets swing the Wii stick on it and find another one"
That actually doesn't look too bad. RE4 had very fun combat, so even if this ends up not feeling too much like DR for the 360, it could still end up being a good game. Of course, RE4 had a lot more than the combat going for it.
That looks positively awful. I can't believe they show footage of RE4 and the 360 version of DR in that only serves to make the game look even worse.
They said something about the controls being more like RE4. I never played DR. I rather have Lost Planet to be quite honest.

I agree, and it wouldn't suffer so much like Dead Rising has to in order to run on much less powerful hardware. Sure Lost Planet had a **** load of enemies at many times, but that game could easily be rebuilt with more focus on combating individual targets, instead of combating hordes of zombies. Seen the textures in the Wii version of Dead Rising? They're horrendous. Man if only the Wii had been equiped with much more powerful hardware :rolleyes:

It seems so far though that at least the game is up and running. My next hope is that they work out the game textures to RE4 levels. One thing I couldn't help but notice was the water in one of the videos, it looks alot like the water shader used in RE4 in the castle during the middle of the game. At least they have that down.:p
when does this game come out? Im sure they can get it too the lvl they are going for or at least above RE4 . Dont forget RE4 had about what 15-20 enemys on screen sometimes, like in the house with no slowdown that I remember and they are shooting for 100 for this game. I say just give them a chance they may hit that magic number there going for.