DAMN IT!!!! "Weee-oooh, weee-oooh, weee-oooh"

Ragemare said:
I seem to have lost my smartgart tab aswell o_O

Hopefully the Omega drivers will bring it back otherwise I'll have to start getting really annoyed.
I got mine back when I installed Omegadrive's latest 4.7 set of cats. (Fast-writes off, and with no option to turn 'em on....I love Angel's drivers! :D )

Installing the omega drivers didn't bring it back but they gave me the option to turn fast writes off in the installation, however call of duty still ran like a turd so i presume it didn't have any effect.

"advanced smart gart options" link in the start menu doesn't do anything, the cursor momentarily turns to an egg timer and thats it.

Turning fast writes off in the bios has no effect either.
Ragemare-Did you un-install your ATi control panel before installing the Omegadrivers? If you don't un-install the ATi control panel first thru your "Add/Remove Programs" or else it really screws up the Omegadrivers.
yep... but I'v managed to lose the control panel altogether now :cry:

I uninstalled the omega drivers and removed my gfx card from the hardware thingy I then proceeded to use the driver cleaner in the fasion as stated by the readme. I then reinstalled the Omega drivers ect.

I just realised that hardware acceleration had been disabled by windows, I'm going to restart now.

EDIT: Still havn't got the control panel back and COD still runs like a sticky turd...
I'v got the control panel and smartgart back but it's claiming that AGP speed is set to "off" and fast writes is blanked out. :rolleyes:

All my D3D games run fine but CoD is still choppy in places so I'm thinking it's not displaying the real settings.

I'm on windows 2003 btw.
Ragemare said:
All my D3D games run fine but CoD is still choppy in places so I'm thinking it's not displaying the real settings.
I can't recall, but did I ask you if you had triple-buffering enabled under your advanced options on the OpenGL tab? (You have to check the openGL checkbox before hitting the "advanced options" button in control panel to find it. ;) )

If not, enable that puppy and see if it helps. All my openGL games are running faboo right now.
Didn't work but thanks anyway.

BTW in DXdiag it says AGP textureing is un available... that can't be right can it?

EDIT: RivaTuner says that the AGP bus is disabled which makes no sense and neither does the fact that anything that uses the OpenGL shader language has stopped working, but DX games with shaders still do.

Wtf is going on :(

EDIT 2: Updated my nForce drivers and it now works :oops:
Just to keep myself updated in case I ever find this thread again, I figured out and found the solution to the last of Bubble's instability problems I was having and should have her back on her feet and 1,000% sometime next week. :) (And she's only giving me grief on FarCry and 3dm2k3 right now so it ain't no biggy. :) )

My buddies at EB taught me all about the mistake of mixing memories, I'm picking up a new stick of 512MB Kingston that should fix me problem. 8)

Happy-happy, joy-joy! After only 5 years I think I've FINALLY finished building the PC I wanted! (Well, now I'm kind of jonesing for an X800 or a 6800...it will never end. :rolleyes: )