Daemon Tools 4.0 released


I just saw that Daemon Tools 4.0 is finally out.

One important note, for those of you who don't always read the readme:

Another important change is the integration of ADWARE. Yes, we need that revenues. However, we decided to let YOU choose to run it with ADWARE and support us - or simple turn it OFF in installation-process and run it same way as former versions - without ADWARE. By default, it is turned ON - to not install that ADWARE, please UNCHECK at installation "DAEMON TOOLS SEARCHBAR" (or you can remove it anytime later when you wish via "Control Panel"-> "Add/Remove programs")
So be forewarned of the spyware, but at least they tell ya upfront and how to remove it.

I'm gonna install it and give it a go...
nice tool obviously, but I cant see any big difference between this new version and the quite old 3.47 release. :(
The big difference is it randomly names it's scsi driver methinks, they haven't gotten x64 support or the "hide the IDE drives" bit added yet that they hoped to have.

They said they'll be releasing a version that supports those, sometime soon.
BuzMack said:
Something else which struck me... after installing DT4, I had a peek at the 3 main files (daemon.dll, a347bus.sys, a347scsi.sys) to confirm new versioning. Well, guess what I discovered...

Version 3.47 files are daemon.dll (version 3.47), d347bus.sys (version 3.47) and d347prt.sys (version 3.47)
version 40.. files are daemon.dll (version 4.00), a347bus.sys (version 3.47) and a347scsi.sys (version 3.47)

Hm. So they fiddled with the front-end a bit and barely touched the driver. The miniport driver (the 6k .sys files) are nearly identical (36 bytes difference, which can be attributed to a different info PE header and differing build time). The actual driver files do differ from each other significantly, but I'd say this is a poor oversight from the daemontools team to not modify the version info prior to build.

No changes .. seems like they added adware only ... the rest is still DT 3.47