They get stomped all over for different reasons. Last of us 2 got so much shit it made it everywhere. The studio didnt go down (?) and i doubt CDPR will shutdown either.
Honestly I don't remember TLOU2 getting much sh*t outside of the gaming community (Not at the scale of CP2077). It was even labeled "brave" because of... because you know why...
CDPR won't go down of course, but their reputation is taking a big hit imo. Not from the fans that know them since W1, but from the new gamers they were supposed to attract with cp2077, aaaannnnd they deliver this... On the net I don't see many people still defending the state of the game, while I remember that TLOU2 was very well received by most, and had very vocal supporters ?
From the start I was planning on starting CP2077 (pc) around february because of needed patchs (always the case in big open world games), maybe I'll start even later