Out of curiosity I launched CP2077 on my laptop and was very positively surprised by it's performance.
1920x1080 fixed
Everything maxed out apart from screen space reflections which were left on High (not Psycho).
RayTracing on maximum (that included Psycho setting)
DLSS Quality and turned off Film Grain as it looks bad with DLSS.
Most of the time fluid experience (FreeSync 120Hz panel in my ASUS TUF laptop)
All that ran on Ryzen 3750H, 16GB RAM and mobile RTX 2060 6GB
As for the game, again, played 3h today, not a single crash, not a single game breaking bug ... PC version really is nothing like base console one.
I found a secret room within Arasaka memorial museum, nice touch

Mission for Ai TAXI company has a nice twist at the end (well known game reference)!
Lots of little secrets here and there with either good loot or nice graffiti or other stuff.
On a negative side, today I've seen one NPC in T pose and I glitched while riding a bike.
I fully enjoy this game, even without RT when I play on my Radeon, draws me much more than RDR2 which I stopped playing 2 months ago and haven't found time to pick it up again.
My score after 20h of game play would be a strong 8/10 overlay and if not for minor bugs and Ai issues I would give it a 10/10. Keep in mind RPG is one of my favourite genres and I've played every DeusEx game there is, apart from mobile version.
As for base console situation, it's not great, but I don't get people calling for cancelling this title completely on them. I for one would like to have a choice of playing it on under-performing system instead of not playing at all. Obviously, state of this game for old gen. should be communicated much better than it was.
On one hand, PC and next-gen console players are getting a taste of what future can bring from visual and sound perspective, for which I'm very glad. On another hand there was no chance of making this game look and perform as good as what was shown in trailers, but a lot of gamers don't understand that.
If I was in charge, I would make it my priority to show the worst common denominator and only after that message was out and understood, I would tease high end or next gen. footage. That way people would understand the differences and benefits of selecting PC/Next Gen version, saving a lot of backlash and complains. This is assuming the game would release in a much better shape, almost bug free to start with.
Anyway, to every console player, I wish you get PS5 or XBOX Series X for Christmas so you can enjoy this game in its current state, but playable, and that Next-Gen patch comes out very early next year!