It was for me bad initially but it's crystal 1080p/60 for me now.Video compression is the same as Sony's showcase.
Video compression is the same as Sony's showcase.
Yes, watching/reading experiences now. It all sounds good. Future GTA RPG sums it up.TGA said he had to wait 5 more minutes, until 9:30, before he can talk about it officially. I'm sure that's going on right now, and others will follow suit. Might be a while longer before write ups are done, depending on how long ago their play event happened.
There are core backgrounds and classes but it's all very dynamic in terms of character progression/development from then on.So you can play as three types of characters at least.
I will play the game on PS5 no way i will play it on PS4.
I will play the game on PS5 no way i will play it on PS4.