Current Xbox model not profitable

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Sure, a 260GB HD would be more convenient, with everything on one place. But replacing some 20+ gig DVD's (you could own one including music, one including movies, one including game demos etc...) would not be that bad. It would even have many advantages compared to fixed HDD, like transferability and data backup.

I can't see something like that having any advantages. How are you supposed to run the software on that DVD if your game is in the console? The problem is they need a place for things like xbox live and other necessary software to be stored while a game is in the drive. Having a re-writable DVD's isn't going to solve that even if there was room left for more more software to be written to the disk. That would making updating that software much tougher as you'd need to have the same software written to all you game disks (if thye were online). Besides, I think that would be more expensive then a hardrive in the long run.
DVDRW media are expensiver too. HD-DVDRW probably worse. Up the cost of games. Caching the game may have to stress the lens further, can it do read + write simultaneously?
chapban. said:
DVDRW media are expensiver too. HD-DVDRW probably worse. Up the cost of games. Caching the game may have to stress the lens further, can it do read + write simultaneously?
Already many of the current PS2 games stream data constantly from disc, and still I haven't ecperienced any read errors in my (EU) launch day old PS2.
I don't see why it couldn't read and write simultaneously, current DVD RW machines already can.
Obviously you couldn't record from TV at the same time as playing :?
For that you'd probably need the HDD, so if next gen console wants to be all in one box, it would still need HDD :oops:
Who talking about recording TV?

ANYHOW, think we have to ask console devs on the technical possibility playing games off RW media with read + write simultaneously. Can it do it fast and cost effective? I think, at least with a HDD, you are accessing 2 hardware. Less of of jaming up. :)
cybamerc said:
Certainly you should care that a company is leveraging its monopoly in different markets to put the squeeze on viable, healthy businesses.

I don't see what relevance this has regarding console gaming though.

Which console company is leveraging its monopoly to squeeze healthy business amongst console makers? Microsoft isn't a monopoly here, even Sony is only in a dominating position, nothing more. Nintendo was far worse in the NES/SNES days in that regard, even getting slapped with antitrust sentences and such.

Or did I just not understand what you're trying to say? :)
Guden, I think you understood him perfectly. He has an axe to grind regarding MS, so I wouldn't take what he said too seriously.
why would any company release a CONSOLE with rewrite MEDIA as DVD-RW and PVR functionality?

if sony or MS eventually would come out with PVR and stuff , it will definitaly be a PSX a like machine specially developed for that purpose!
God forbid!

The way i understood the post, he was not taking a shot at MS, rather at Sony... They're the ones someone with a faulty brain would consider Monopoly in the Console Market.

To be perfectly honest, if we want to be REALLY precise, some of Sony's policies in the current generation remind me of things a Monopoly can afford to do, such as the pricing their products. Of course in this case it's just a byproduct of many variables in the very screwed Console Market.

Think of it this way, at one end you have a perfectly competitive market and at the other end you have an imperfectly competitive market (a Monopoly). In a perfectly competitive market, one with many companies competiting in the same market, as soon as one raises the price of 1p, they will lose all their share of the market, therefore all the companies have their products priced exactly the same in order not to lose any market share. Basically they do not set the price themselves, the price IS the demand. A monopoly is exactly the opposite, since one company has complete control of the market, and they will control supply in order to price their products as they feel like.

In purely theoretical economical terms (so don't take this too literally), when a company can afford to price their product way above their revenue line, so that the price approaches the demand (which in most cases is above the revenue line, since in most cases, out willingness to pay for a product is above the cost of manufacturing of the product itself), it is considered as being closer a monopoly than to a competitive market.

All they do is guess (so to speak) where the demand line falls, and price their product as close to it as possible. In the case of PS2, it's obvious that the millions of buyers' willingness to pay for one is high enough to allow Sony to keep the price well above the competitors and still outsell them by a very fat margin.

So in a certain sense the Console Market is a screwed Oligopoly.

Don't ask me why i just wrote that. Goes to show how much work i'm doing :D
The way i understood the post, he was not taking a shot at MS, rather at Sony

Pretty sure he was talking about MS using operating system dollars to compete against companies that rely on game dollars to be profitable. I dig my Xbox, but his complaint is perfectly valid.

Whenever competition is compromised, consumers lose.
Aye. I really don't see how MS making money in other markets and using that money to get into the video game business is a bad thing. That's exactly what sony did, and they are in plenty more markets compared to MS. If that's the case then MS being a monopoly in the OS market is bad, but doesn't really have any relevance to this discussion.
Yes, monopoly is BAD. Bad for consumers, bad for society, bad for split ends. Everything.

Still, did anyone expect MS to stay in their little box and not use their immense cash reserve to try and take over other markets?

In the end they did bring competition to this generation (and the next ones too) of consoles, which can only be a good thing.

Their long-term objectives are still to be seen, and as long as the console market doesn't become like the PC market, i'll be very happy.
I agree that MS using money, gained from another market, to enter a new market isn't neccesarily a bad thing, obviously. However the concern would be that MS may be taking a destroyer pricing approach to the console market.
I'm not losing any sleep over it or anything :p, but I don't think it's healthy for the market. That they are going for a more cost effective route this generation is good news, and expected. Hopefully they won't dip into other funds too often.
Teasy said:
Yep AFAICS Cybamerc is saying that MS are using the seemingly limitless supply of cash from Windows to fund an unhealthy loss making console business. The concern would then be that MS may very well be taking a destroyer pricing approach to the console market.

The thing is that, until they do something right and take a big chunk of Sony's market share, it won't happen.

Also they would have to figure out a way to make millions and millions of gamers suddenly forget about Playstation (as a brand).

Not gonna happen anytime soon, especially seen how the first xbox fared and the image it portrayed of itself.
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