God forbid!
The way i understood the post, he was not taking a shot at MS, rather at Sony... They're the ones someone with a faulty brain would consider Monopoly in the Console Market.
To be perfectly honest, if we want to be REALLY precise,
some of Sony's policies in the current generation remind me of things a Monopoly can afford to do, such as the pricing their products. Of course in this case it's just a byproduct of many variables in the very screwed Console Market.
Think of it this way, at one end you have a perfectly competitive market and at the other end you have an imperfectly competitive market (a Monopoly). In a perfectly competitive market, one with many companies competiting in the same market, as soon as one raises the price of 1p, they will lose all their share of the market, therefore all the companies have their products priced exactly the same in order not to lose any market share. Basically they do not set the price themselves, the price IS the demand. A monopoly is exactly the opposite, since one company has complete control of the market, and they will control supply in order to price their products as they feel like.
In purely theoretical economical terms (so don't take this too literally), when a company can afford to price their product way above their revenue line, so that the price approaches the demand (which in most cases is above the revenue line, since in most cases, out willingness to pay for a product is above the cost of manufacturing of the product itself), it is considered as being closer a monopoly than to a competitive market.
All they do is
guess (so to speak) where the demand line falls, and price their product as close to it as possible. In the case of PS2, it's obvious that the millions of buyers' willingness to pay for one is high enough to allow Sony to keep the price well above the competitors and still outsell them by a very fat margin.
So in a certain sense the Console Market is a screwed Oligopoly.
Don't ask me why i just wrote that. Goes to show how much work i'm doing