Current shader model 3 games generally need Ati Patch?

DaveBaumann said:
How can we know this as nobody have hardware that support MSAA with FP16 targets? Or even if somebody have such hardware can he (or she) talk about it?

That was a rhetorical question, but one to illustrate that there are groups of feature capabilities that can be associated with one architecture that may not necessarily be the case with others.

Because of this i have suggested to compare the caps every SM3 hardware need to support with the caps a NV40 support.
Jawed said:
Well I expect Crytek has at least one R520 - it's been about 9 or 10 months now that ATI and Crytek have been pally.

Which reminds me, why was the water shader not working in The Project on NV SM3 hardware? Does it work correctly on 7800GTX :?:


The reason for the water bug (and some others) in "The Project" is the "bad" shader managment that the cry engine use. They select shaders based on hardware ids and not based on caps. In the case of "The Project" the engine does not know how to render the water on a non ATI card because the config files did not contain this informations.
Unfortunatly thats the same on a number of titles (which is another potential reason why patches are needed).
Assumptions from game engines are bad.

Infact I remember it being discussed here that Farcry (at one point before being patched) assumed that R420 could handel NV's DST (which causes orange artifacts for shadows!).

I wonder how games like Star Wars Lego will deal with R520? (will it just get the SM 1.1 path). As the SM 3.0 path for NV cards enable extras :

- Light blooms
- Extra plastic reflections
- Shadow buffers (not a SM3.0 feature, but only on the 3.0 path).
- HDR (Can't attualy see this working on this title on our 6800GT).
Well.. unless they change their wording it will be "only on nV hardware"

and dxtweaker offcourse..