Current and former PS2 owners; determining trends

Carl B

Friends call me xbd
Similar to my recent Dreamcast poll, this poll here isn't trying to be grand or sweeping in nature, but to hone in on one facet of the console picture in particular. For whatever reason today I was thinking about this, so here it is as a poll. And what was I thinking about?

Well, basically PS2 has the highest number of units sold, but that sometimes doesn't tell the whole story. Now, it stands to reason that PS2 has the most number of 'loyalists' among the consoles as well, but I *know* that at least some percentage of the Sony owner base has abandoned the system for whatever reasons. Getting a sense of how many indeed have abandoned it to go elsewhere can help paint a picture a little more accurate than the indomitable '100 million consoles sold' sometimes does. Because truthfully, some of those owners have since gone elsewhere.

And of course on the flip, in fact I've read in several posts of formerly anti-Sony individuals as recently as in the last month or so getting the console and falling in love with it's selection of games and content. So both trends could factor in and it works both ways.

To the multi-console'ists who gave me hassle in the Dreamcast poll because they felt the criteria was too strict; hey I own multiple consoles too! But really I'm just trying to focus in on an industry trend here with regard to Sony and nothing else, which is why you won't see 10 different poll questions asking which other consoles, etc etc... ;)

Polls tend to work very well on B3D because it is inherently a multi-cosnole forum and it tends to be quite civil as well, so as always I'd ask that non-PS2 owners not skew the poll results, and that all posts be opinion-oriented and non-flaming.

(PC/PS2 gamers, for purposes of this poll I would say that PC's do not count as a console, in case there's any confusion)