Crunch, Pop, Spray, Crack, Ooze, and NEXT-GEN!

Going too realistic for a developer can have them narrowing their potential customer pool to a point where it's not profitable. Aside from the developer, the Publisher and console maker must approve the content. It's an uphill battle.

Not only that, but exposure is also lower. GOW can't run on kiosks. The "Mad World" TV ad featured zero violence (but implied some :)).

I'd imagine publishers (or whoever funds development) would start throwing their weight around if the target group became too narrow and the advertising opportunities too limited.

So I think in the end it will regulate itself.

That's the thing though. They need to PUSH to run GOW on Kiosks. Most normal people would not have a problem with it. Only the few censorship tyrants would. If I was a publisher with a violent game I would push hard to have it in kiosks.
That's the thing though. They need to PUSH to run GOW on Kiosks. Most normal people would not have a problem with it. Only the few censorship tyrants would. If I was a publisher with a violent game I would push hard to have it in kiosks.

Erh, don't know about that. At my local EB-games, the kiosks (PS2, 360, Wii) are right inside the door.

If I was a parent and walked in with my kid to get his/her Nintendo DS fix and there was blood+gore in 10 year-old eye-height, I'd stop shopping there immediately.

It would of course be your right to stop shopping there!

But at the same time, the video game store would have the right to have the Koisk with the violent game.

I of course like what the Libertarian Party of New York did. The city of New York banned plastic toy guns of any kind from being sold. So the Libertarian Party of New York had a "Guns for Tots" program where they gave away tons and tons of plastic toy guns to kids to fight against the law!

If I ever became rich I would want to open my own video game store with a big banner on the window saying, "If you don't like violence please don't enter! This store is not for you!"
If I ever became rich I would want to open my own video game store with a big banner on the window saying, "If you don't like violence please don't enter! This store is not for you!"

With ideas like that, your future is not looking too bright...
Personally I'm all for "realistic violence" as long as it's tastefully done (in which case maybe I should add an "Off Topic:" somewhere :p). The idea of going Hannibal Lector on people's arses (not literally) is not something that appeals; having a game that manages to emphasize the horrors and inhumanity of war, via a very likeable teammate with whom you've formed an emotional bond within the game in a genuine Saving Private Ryan moment, is something I'd heartily back. To be honest I'm not aware of a massive number of movies that actually show intestines or lungs flying around. Granted I don't watch many horror films, but in any case I'd have thought the use of disembowelling in films tends to be to shock and disgust, not to glorify a successful kill.
That's the thing though. They need to PUSH to run GOW on Kiosks. Most normal people would not have a problem with it. Only the few censorship tyrants would. If I was a publisher with a violent game I would push hard to have it in kiosks.

I have no problem with realistic violence in video games, in fact i enjoy games with violence in them, it's a great stress reliever, but...........why should I have to be careful where I take my children because of a game like Gears being in a kiosk.

You're opposed to censorship because it STOPS you from seeing what you want, but you're quite happy to FORCE other people to see it. If you can't see the irony in that then there's no hope for you at all.
I'm not forcing anyone to see it.

If you don't like the kiosk you don't have to shop at the store.

You could spend your dollars at another store that has Mario Brothers on their Kiosks.

But what I'm saying is that game stores have a right to show whatever amount of violence they want on their kiosks. If you don't like it you don't have to shop there.

At NO TIME in this life do you have the right not to be offended. Now, if I chased you out the store and followed you carrying the kiosk in my arms that would be forcing you to watch it. That would be wrong. But there would be nothing wrong if I had a store with a Kiosk having a violent game showing.
Babcat I think you got some issues. I get the idea that you only like as much gore as possibly just for the gore. You dont seem to be interrested in a fun or good game, only in how much blood and bodyparts it contains. And judging from your opinion that anything not having gallons of blood in it being childish I get the idea that your some 13year old trying to be cool saying you only like gore.

I dont mind violance and gore at all but it has to have a purpose in the game other than just being grose. I just dont see the use in brain splatters flying around on my screen in a realistic way. Besides, after you seen someones head explode for the 13723 your done with it anyway. There isnt anything shocking about it anymore after so many times.
Yeah it seems babcat is pushing things too far (as usual :))
I myself however also think that developers should be able to implement the laws of physics in their game as realistically as they see fit, violence is just one aspect. I have shed some tears over the fact that there hasn't been damage modelling in Gran Turismo games, mainly because the car manufactures for some reason have the right to say that their cars can't be damaged, eventhough driving in to a Wall at 200mph makes that ridiculous. I personally don't yearn to play games that allows me to do thing like they do in Hostel, I just feel that the less restrictions on developers the better.
I think some people on here are mistaken.

I don't want gore just for the sake of gore. I just want what would happen in real life to a person to happen to the same character in a video game if the game is at all striving for realism.

For example, lets say someone is shot in a video game. I don't want anymore blood coming out than what would happen in real life. But I also want the wound to be realistic and if the game character is shot in a critical part of the body. If blood would spray in real life I want it to happen in the game.

Also, lets say a race car smashes into a crowd. I don't want anything to happen that would not happen in real life. I would just want *realistic* injuries to occur to the characters in the game watching the race.

Or lets take a game that's in a mystical world a long time ago. If a character that is supposed to have super strength (enough to throw people around) has a large sword and hits someone with it I want them to bleed an appropriate amount according to the wound. If the person is hit in the right place with the right force I want his head to go flying off.

I want appropriate realistic gore and violence.

By the way, I don't specifically crave gore. There have been a few gross movies I simply could not watch!

But I want the potential for that gore to be in the game.
I don't want gore just for the sake of gore. I just want what would happen in real life to a person to happen to the same character in a video game if the game is at all striving for realism.

So you do want gore just for the sake of gore. I dont know if you ever seen bullet wound or car injuries IRL, or even on pictures, but believe me, it is not pleasant to see. You dont want a mangled body with the his/her guts half out of the body on your screen while looking realistic. Even if its just a videogame and not real it still is not pleasant to watch at. Sure, there will always be people who will digg that stuff but then there is something wrong with you. I dont mind violance at all but once you start seeing body's getting mangled in a realistic way with the gut etc coming out that crosses the line between fun violence (SoF2, Carmageddong, or movies like rambo and die hard) and disgusting violance.

But I want the potential for that gore to be in the game.

Explain why. All you do is saying you dont crave gore but I dont see you giving any other argument for why there should be disgusting gore in games other than because of the gore. You say you want it for realism (ever seen somebody with shotwound or getting killed in a car crash? watch it and tell me weater you thought it was fun to see) but IMO its somewhat clear you just want it for the gore.
Much of the commentary and arguments here belong in the RSPCA forum (freedom of speech, etc.).

Keeping to the remit of the console forum, ignoring all questions of taste or social responsibility etc., I have to say, we haven't even got decent animation, realistic facial motion, complex phsyics-based gameplay, dynamic AO lighting, richly intereactive environments etc. yet, and you want to blow a shed-load of console power on rendering people's insides on the outside?!?! :oops: Very...original priorities.

Personally I'd rather have round arms and 3D detail on the clothing, over strings of detailed entrails wiggling around on the floor. But then that's not the only difference I have from babcat. ;)
Why would you want to have realistic violence? I think you have the wrong idea of what realistic violence is. Most of the times, realistic violence is extremely UNgory, realisticaly you will never see anything like what you see in GOW, and modeling individual organs that spill out is not making it more realistic, but more gory.

There are very few things that can make a human body, more or less explode, wth the internal organs spilling out and whatever, the human body doesn't "break" that easily and the hard part would not be the modeling part but rather the realstic physics you need for it. I think you have the wrong idea about what realistic violence is, as it is much more "boring" than what you describe...
Well i'm sure we will soon get GPUs with Super Advanced Dynamic Guts Internal Transformation (SAD-GIT) supported in hardware, which will make things much faster and more realistic.
If certain anti-freedom and anti-liberty individuals or groups don't like the violence or other adult content too bad!
There's a LOT more to freedom and liberty than organs and blood and gore spilling out when someone's hacked with a sword in a videogame.

Games that depict roughly what you want all tend to suck coz that's all they're about; blood and guts.

Personally I must say your wishes are pretty much one of the most disgusting things I ever read. Why would anyone honestly want to see bones sticking out in a realistic manner and innards falling out of bodies etc? That's just sadistically sick and perverse.

It's certainly not why I play videogames.

If you want graphic violence go to and knock yourself out. I don't think that stuff belongs in games.

If you want graphic violence go to

Funny, I was going to mention this but I was unclear on the website's policy for plugging sites of that nature. I was an active member of that site and forum for three years, and bab if you're infatuated with violence then make that your new home. Content of that graphic nature doesn't belong in games.
I went to that website once, and i will never understand why some people find some of the stuff in there "interesting". Seriously, i don't get it.