I should amend that to being "realistically behaving AI: where additional CPU cycles are meant to drive more realistic actions etc. In which a real player might be easier to have around instead.Where Iroboto says multiplayer is easier to do than AI, I know people who say, "do single player games because networking is a nightmare," and they're all right. When you are struggling to get AI behaving itself, multiplayer looks stuipdly easy, and when your networking code is bugging out just in getting the frickin' server started (current issue I have, based on the library I'm using where after a couple of days it appears there's a bug), you think to yourself this would be a lot easier just creating a single player game. I know a guy who's game was refused release on PSN because of multiplayer bugs and there was almost no means for them to debug it without multiple SDKs.
In short, there's no such thing as an easy game.
To be honest I'm not even sure what realistically behaving AI would be. Lol I guess closer to how a human would interact.
But I agree with all posts here.
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