Could be, we will have to wait and see.
In looking into this I came up with some interesting info WRT gamepass and possible dangers for publishers
OK typically for the UK for PS/Xbox games the revenue split is typically 55-60% PS and 40-45% Xbox, due to there being slightly more PS users, see past charts for this data
--------- part A ------
Outriders 83% PS and 17% Xbox, less than 40-45% most likely due to it being also on gamepass, i.e. why spend money on something when you can get it for free (well technically $120-$180 a year)
The above makes sense everyone agrees, (though I would think 17% is prolly too high If it was me, I'ld get gamepass for 3 months and you get to play the game and still save money)
now look at last weeks sales
Nier Replicant ver 1.22 89% PS and 11% Xbox!
Now this game is NOT on gamepass, so why only 11% and not the usual 40-45%?
well the last Nier game,
NieR:Automata was on Gamepass, so ppl are most likely thinking oh this game will also come to gamepass later so why spend money now when I can just get it for 'free' later.
The publishers have kneecapped themselves
OK you say well they can also release it on gamepass and get the money from MS to make up for the lost sales,
yes they can but I assume it would go something like this.
MS - Well last time we gave you $20 Million to entice you to release on gamepass, this time though since you're coming to us the offer is now $2 million, take it or leave it
Nier - (Gulp) Well we better take it since we are not selling many copies on Xbox
Of course this is nothing like the modus operandi of a drug dealer

, shame on anyone thinking such a thing.