from a leaked document obtained by Tom Warren (linked below), there is an indication that the percentage of revenue that microsoft will take from all sales on the xbox consoles will also decrease to 12% like the already announced changes to the PC store. It seems that this lower revenue cut would be available for all games, as long as the developer allowed microsoft streaming rights for the title. That would certainly be a good way to entice developers into allowing people to stream their games that people have purchased digital copies for.
Tom Warrens tweet
I wonder what implications this would have for the wider console industry? If the 12% cut became something that was considered standard, and was forced upon sony it would significantly affect their business.
If I am reading sony's 2020 financial report correctly then sony had roughly $15B in revenue from software sales in 2020. With the current 30% cut that gives sony $4.5B in profit (naively). Assuming a 12% cut becomes the standard, and sony changes their cut to 12% they would have just $1.8B in profit, a decrease of $2.7B
Assuming that sony doesnt change their revenue split, and that microsoft does lower theirs, it will be interesting to see what dynamics occur. Is it possible that third parties will be much more amicable to microsoft with things like marketing deals? Are companies potentially going to feel slighted by sony?
Tom Warrens tweet
I wonder what implications this would have for the wider console industry? If the 12% cut became something that was considered standard, and was forced upon sony it would significantly affect their business.
If I am reading sony's 2020 financial report correctly then sony had roughly $15B in revenue from software sales in 2020. With the current 30% cut that gives sony $4.5B in profit (naively). Assuming a 12% cut becomes the standard, and sony changes their cut to 12% they would have just $1.8B in profit, a decrease of $2.7B
Assuming that sony doesnt change their revenue split, and that microsoft does lower theirs, it will be interesting to see what dynamics occur. Is it possible that third parties will be much more amicable to microsoft with things like marketing deals? Are companies potentially going to feel slighted by sony?